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[url="http://www.kassirco.com/Results.tpl?rnd=9191&cart=65B75589-8FE0-43E8-9A21-41EA13DDA1BA&category=25&subcat=1127&startat=1"] http://www.kassirco.com/Results.tpl?rnd=91...191&cart=65B755[/url] 89-8FE0-43E8-9A21-41EA13DDA1BA&category=25&subcat=11 27&startat=1Anyone ever bought anything from these guys?  I see a lot of their stuff on ebay.  Some of them look really nice, but im curious as to durability, and whether the color will come off the stem etc.  Anyone have any experience witht his retailer, or with any of the hookahs pictured?  Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
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Ahh..westcoasthokkahs was selling those at one time I think it was. From what folks said I believe they are flimsy. Also I think the hoses are some special type with odd ends that you may not be able to replace with standard hoses...
just my somewhat faulty memory though, not backked up with any actual research.
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i agree.those hookahs are a disgrace  to hookahs and dont deserve to smoked out of.they look cheap,stupid,and very.....wierd.in a bad way.if you do make the mistake of purchasing one,i hope only sultan moassel is smoked from it,as a punishment to the smoker,and disrespect to the hookah....jk.seriously theyre  ugly....i know,i know.im a hater.
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yea...i going to have to agree with my fellow forum members on this one..(from experience though) i purchased the same style of hookah..same make and everything except it was signifigantly larger and a 3 hose but it had that same screw in stem....needless to say it lasted me about 3 months until i realized i was smoking out of a disgraceful peace (lucky for me i own a stargate to ) but i recently got rid of it because it was leaking horribly from numerous purchases...
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Thanks for all the replies, guys.  I new they had to be pretty cheaply made.  I wasn't considering buying one, so im safe there, i was just asking out of curiosity cause i had never heard of the retailer.  But yeah i have to agree some of the colors are atrocious.  But again, thanks guys, and hopefully this saves someone from buying one there, or on ebay.
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I hate aluminum hookahs. I think, if there was exactly one (and only one) regulatory law in hookahs, it would be that hookah shank construction would have to be brass or REAL stainless steel, not the crap that is passed off for stainless steel, frequently, in the Arab world. 
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