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Help With New Hookah Purchase!

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Okay, I know there are probably 1,000 of these threads, but I need some advice on what hookah I should get next, heres the situation:

My wife says that she wants to get me a new hookah for x-mas, but she needs to know which one to get. Now I already have 2 hookahs, these to be exact:

32" Ebony Tower


Both of these hookahs are nice, but they have their flaws. The Tower can sometimes be hard to draw from, and the fact that it is marble means that it is very heavy to transport places. The Mya is nice, but it is small and simply does not give the same quality smoke as a larger hookah. So I am looking for the have-all be-all end-all hookah that will deliver the goods year after year. It definitely has to be better than the ones I already have. I have heard some good things about KM hookahs--will buying one of those change my life? Which hookah delivers the best quality smoke overall? What should I get? HELP! =)

Here's the specs I am looking for:

*Something under $200 would be good, under $150 is even better
*Has to give an extremely smooth smoke
*I would prefer it have 2 hoses, but this is not completely necessary
*Has to be very sturdy and well made because I tend to abuse my hookahs quite a bit =/
*26"-34" is ideal
*Should look cool, pref a more traditional look as I already have 2 modern-looking ones

Any suggestions on which hookah is right for me? (I feel like I am writing a personals ad for a dating website here smile.gif ). Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys.
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I just got this hookah for christmas, and it is amazing!

Km's are the way to go

also check these out

I doubt you will get much better bang from your buck with any other hookah. Both of my km's are amazing and smoke very smoothly and cant get to much more traditional looking then some of these.
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If you're really stuck on getting a 2 hose hookah, and since you already have a Mya so you know the quality of their hookahs, check out this:


It's supposed to smoke very well. The hoses that come with it are crap though, so like I said before, you should really pick up a Nammor/Razan wide washable hose.
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