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Is "time" A Creation?


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Is time a creation? And if it is, what was it created for.We know from the Torah given by The Infinate One says "And there will be light". Meaning starting "now" at that set time, and there will be an added light in the future which will nullify the previous light much as one lit candle in the darkness when the lights come back on. Einstein's theory of Relativity shows how all things are inter-related and that comes from One source. I am 7 hours ahead of New York time, 8 of Chicago and 10 of Vancouver, BC. So what was there before G-D the Infinate "created" a finite world? McDonalds, Starbucks and the Sinai Desert? And isn't it impossible for an Infinate Being to create finity?Before G-D "spoke" (well, you do speak also and where did you get your talents from) and He Created life and the She part which is akin to mother nature noursishes it.But before He spoke there was nothing BUT the Infinate ONE.And after there still only IS the Infinate One. So how can we explain crime, murder,bad breath and poverty if there only exists G-D, yet at this very second G-D is existing the worlds at every moment implying that in G-D's inner thought must be known how every tiny particle of all the expanding universes were a moment ago to continue.So does that mean you can stay in bed since G-D is running the show and is responsible? As its said in Torah "It would have been better for man if G-D had not created the worlds, but having done so we are here to show his magnifcense".From the Talmud."Man" in Hebrew is "Adam" which means "similar to " similar to the Creator. We are similar to the Creator, part of G-D and have to act similar to G-D . I realize that I've written here much material, but according to the Torah, and all these things are explained in a simple matter, yet lengthy way also.
In the end result, we are Infinate also, our souls are a part of G-D which are enclothed into a material body and if we do G-D's will we make the body holier and holier not for its own good, though we need to do that, but mainly to raise up the Holy Sparks that Adam the first man scattered back to their source in the Infinate and make this world more G-dly.
In a few days will be celebrated Christmas in many world countries.For Eastern Church Believers (remember the Byzintines of Constantinople) they celebrate a bit later. It's all relative. Jews started last night after sundown when our day starts to light the first of 8 Channukah candles. Thank G-D the Moslems are doing their part 5 times a day? I left out a gigantic ammount of other faiths and beliefs the fact is we are all one soul .
The Talmud asks, "What is greater, love of the "Father" or love of His "Child"? answer "Loving the child of the Father is greater than loving G-D since those who love G-D's children love Him/Her."All we need to do at anytime is to meditate quickly on the things we like or hate, which are given to us so that now if we know what pain is, we will use our knowledge to help those in pain, to help a lonely person, to give your Grandmother a call, even though you know she doesn't have zilch to leave you , just to offer to others what we like (though not in a hurtful way). We all enjoy certain physical pleasures. That doesn't mean you go and do unto other as you like yourself, especially if she is under the age of 18. Its just creeping a little out of ourselves and offering to everyone in need a nice word, a smile and if you cannot help them, ask in words a prayer for them. Happy Holidays and happy days to all humans, when we make things a bit easier for other humans, we banish the darkness that hide's G-D's Light in all the universes like cleaning off the windshield of a car even some fog or ice or dust reveals what always was. From Moshe Natan ,a few minutes from Bethleham and Hebron. Edited by TizaNabi
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You beg the question of whether there is an intelligent creator of what we humans perceive to be real (ie, the universe, etc.). There is no rational reason to believe this, and there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary... which means that the only reason to believe it is because of a socialized desire, obligation or need to believe it. That's flawed, subjective thinking, and I'm not trying to convince anyone to stop thinking that way, but merely to recognize it for what it is. I don't bequeath my ultimately valuable belief to anything without a reason, especially when there is a reason not to, and especially especially when there is a desire to believe it such as ennui, or the basic human need for meaning.

That said, if we're going to be tremendously hypothetical, the question you're asking is that if there is an intelligent being or force that is responsible for 'creation', does that being or force transcend time, and if it does, has it constructed time. I think that one clear conclusion that can be drawn from any line of reasoning, is that we as humans only perceive time as being linear because it's the easiest for us to comprehend that way- many cultures do not perceive time as linear, including the Jews of antiquity, the Chinese, the Mayans, and etc. Time might exist as a line, but it probably doesn't. We don't know. Therefore we can't even begin to wonder if such a being or force 'created' time as we tend to understand it in contemporary context.

More interesting and slightly less irrelevant I think, is whether "time" is a construct, that is, a human construct, and to what degree it is. You check your watch, realize that you're late for work, you feel the pressure of time. But does time exist for a billionaire spending every day of his life on the private beach of his private island, no responsibility to anyone and no obligations? Well you could say that 'sure he does', his body is a biological entity which feels the pressure of time by aging. So is time then only relevant by biological necessity, and by the merit that it is a finite resource? But that assumes that time is linear- what if all time is happening at the same time, as posited in the Vonnegut novel Slaughterhouse 5? If Trout is right, time is completely irrelevant, and arguably non-existent- we construct the idea of time because of learned behaviour and perhaps the need for order. Or perhaps time exists in cycles that are repeated indefinitely, and time is only relevant to whatever cycle we're experiencing. The same question pertains to the idea of reincarnation. But even if we consider time to be relevant by biological necessity in the linear context, there is still the counterargument that life is only one state of being; because we know that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed, one has to wonder where our consciousness goes when we die, and indeed for all we know this biological existence is insignificant in the scope of conscious existence.

Time is an interesting idea to muse upon, but we may never have any answers. Aren't religious people supposed to just accept that sort of thing? Edited by gaia.plateau
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This is miles out of my league, but I've read about experiments involving high speed planes and atomic clocks which seem to validate the existance of time. Both clocks are precisely synchronised, and one is placed in a jet, the other left on the ground. After a high speed stint on the plane, both clocks are checked, and the one on the plane is behind a few nanoseconds or so. If these tests are real, it would lend credence to Einstein's equation, and suggest that something is going on.

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