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Hookah Height?

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Accually if there is a difference. There were some topics about this discussed in the past(Search).

Larger hookahs tend to smoke more smooth due to more time to cool the
smoke. Smaller ones tend to smoke harsher. Its not a big problem. Like
i can deffinatally tell a difference in the smoke in my 32" egyptian
then my 22" mod.
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i own a 17" hookah and have smoked out of larger hookahs (30"-32") on several occasions and have noticed little or no difference in the quality of the smoke, but the thing about longer distance= more time to cool makes sense... it could just be me who cant tell a difference... see, as a young boy, struggling to make it in a global ecconomy, i was hit in the mouth by lightning 3 times ( all withing a week long period....coincidence?... weird, i never thought about that). anyway, those lightning strikes completely obliterated any nerves in my mouth and, according to the doctor, i can no longer inhale. so, in conclusion, i may not be the right person to ask on the subject
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yeah, the two or three times I have smoked a large, 30" hookah, the smoke was more harsh.  However, this was at a local "lounge" who I don't think knows what they're doing.  It could've been harsh due to the way that they packed the bowl, etc., but I have learned to setup my 17" and maintain the coals in a way that provides thick, yet smooth, smoke.
thats just my $.02
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every size of hookah has its  plus's and minus's,but  im not gunna go  into detail.instead i  will  direct you to an old thread (well not that old) and you can read  that.
[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2615&PN=5"] http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=2615&PN[/url] =5
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[quote name='PipeSmokeMcGee']yeah, the two or three times I have smoked a large, 30" hookah, the smoke was more harsh.  However, this was at a local "lounge" who I don't think knows what they're doing.  It could've been harsh due to the way that they packed the bowl, etc., but I have learned to setup my 17" and maintain the coals in a way that provides thick, yet smooth, smoke.
thats just my $.02[/quote]You should read my "hookah misconceptions" thread. The size, or the pipe itself has nothing to do with the smoke being harsh. Thats all in the set up.Is there a difference? well you have to be specific. Is there is a difference between a 25" and a 32"? No. Is there a difference between a 13" and a 25"? Yes. It seems to me the jump occurs somewhere between 17-18 inches. After that, size has little effect on the smoke. You have to realize that not all hookahs are created equal as well. A solid air tight 17" will smoke much better than a leaky cheap 32". Also, things like the diameter of the stem and hose play a large role in the quality of your smoke.
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[quote name='HookahCaterpillar']Personally i think its more about the size of the vase the more smoke
held the less smoke density. Smoke density= harshness. Also the smaller
the vase the less water which means the faster the water gets all nasty.[/quote]That is untrue. You can have extremely dense unharsh smoke. Smoke "harshness" is caused from too much heat over your ma'assel burning or scorching it, much like lighting it on fire. Often times people equate dense smoke to being harsh, because the only time they get such huge clouds of smoke is when they have too much heat. You can get the SAME density with a smooth smoke, you just have to build up to it in heat. (assuming the ma'assel is constant)
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indeed... and in fact, by far the harshest smoke i've ever encountered was of a very LOW density.  seems to be nakhla's favorite thing to do, in my experience - cheat you on the smoke, but make you cough up a lung anyway :)you're right, proper heat management is CRUCIAL to the process.  that, and accounting for humidity shock - which i still have yet to fully comprehend, i must admit - should be enough to get you going with dense, smooth smoke from ANY sized hookah.  i have always gotten better results from smaller pipes, around 20-24 inches, though, just for the record.
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I think we're equivocating the word "heavy" I believe some people are using the word heavy to indicate density while other are relating a feeling which I have seen when humidity is up and the smoke feels real hard and harsh to bring in and out of the lungs. I understand both ideas, trust me.
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