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Turn Nakhal into $$$


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This might be un-orthodox, but I have a prposition to make.  There were a year ago a few nice  campaigns by "Hookah-Shisha Central"  and some one else to give a percentage of their earnings to the disasters like  in
Asia and New Orleans. Reports come out all the time about  how charity sent to these places gets stolen or misused.   It is written "Great is charity since it leads to peace".Not by men who could be killing for a truck load of aid food, but spiritually in the higher worlds it filters down to us as peace.   How much do you pay for a box of Nakhla? It could be between $1.50 to $2.20 depending. If each person would take the price of Nakhla, make a little charity box, and give it to any kind of charity or person you want. If  you're short on cash, do someone who is in need  a favor. Or even helping a person in temporary mental anguish  by giving her/him an ear for 15 minutes. Even better(if you know him), some "dork" from your dorm who you don't look at - invite him over for a smoke.The biggest human poverty is not an empty stomach, but an empty heart.See that the well fed Western World  is full of people who go around with the feeling that on a level of 1-100 they are probably a number 2, or 3, or maybe 0. I know that this would have gone best under the "Serious discussion" topics, but with a spiritual world war three already opon us (and I don't say who is right or wrong), charity the worth of one Nakhla pack opens up the heavens and can show even the religous fanatics on all sides that they don't have G-D by the beard. Sheeshabum
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