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Hi & the new Mya Cloisonne Hookah

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Howdy all,I've been lurking on this board for well over 6 months, and have been smoking hookah for almost a year now, but have just now decided to start posting (forgive the brief intro - I know there's a different place where self-intros are supposed to be posted, I have some other interesting stuff to post about, so I figured I'd combine the two).  Nice to meet y'all!Anyway, for those of you interested in Mya Saray's new cloisonne hookah design (as announced here [url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2682&PN"]http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=2682&PN[/url] =2 ), well, I ordered one, along with a QT Mya!  Haven't yet gotten the order confirmation (had to do it via email) but I imagine that it should be arriving next week sometime.  Got the dark blue cloisonne, and an azure qt - aren't they beauties?  I'll try to post some pics and let you all know how they smoke within the next two weeks or so.Looking forward to posting with you all!
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Welcome mang!

You're definately going to have to post reviews on both the hookahs.
There have been quite a few others who have gotten the QT, but I think
you might be the first to order the newest ones.. So I'm sure everyone
here is really excited to hear how well it performs.

Again welcome, and we all look forward to your contributions!
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