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While Smoking?

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I also play alot of Halo 2, but try not to do it while smoking.  I tend to get a bit stressed and end up not enjoying my smoke.  So I had to stop mixing my hookah with Halo.  I have a good time playing RPG's to.  It's a good time exploring new areas with hookah in hand.  Really looking forward to Oblivion coming out next month, this game will be a blast while smoking.
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While smoking with my bf and other guy friends we will sometimes play video games (Madden, the new Star Wars) but I have this really cool video game friendly smoking hookah. It has a rotating vase in the middle so that the hose will pass to the next person, even if the person is opposite of you, without having to move the whole hookah, it does a full 360. I found it on discoverhookah.com. It's called the Mystical. But with my girls we just talk and sometimes drink.
"Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die tomorrow"- James Dean 
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i guess i'm different than most on this board ;Pi really enjoy playing counterstrike: source and battlefield 2 while smoking the hookah.  smoking the hookah is so relaxing that it keeps me from getting worked up when i do something stupid and get killed.  as a result, i play more consistently (and usually much better).i just let the hose lie in my lap, and when i do die or at a round restart, i take a nice deep hit from the hookah.
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[quote name='supdog']I smoke outside, so I'm limited to a few activities.
Sometimes I read but usually I listen to old radio

I've been wanting to ask you, what area do you live about? I'm not
asking for your address or anything, but just curious because you asked
for directions to the Med Market in Sacramento.

I'm from Granite Bay/Roseville, but right now I'm living in Stockton
where I go to school at UOP. So every once in a while I'll make the
hour long trip to get supplies from the Med Market.
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