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Pyrex Bowl Review

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Nice review.  I can definitely see how the color of the tobacco could stain the bowl.  It'll be interesting to see how much of that you can get to come off.  The bowl looks really nice as well.I kinda enjoy the ritual of poking holes into my foil, so I'm gonna stick to it.
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Yeah for its price, I don't think I can justify buying one, even if
they do look great. I would feel like poop if I accidentally broke
it... But if they come out with a larger version in the future, I might
consider it :)

Good reviews mang!
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just one hole in the middle, on the screen?why, that's brilliant.answers a lot of questions i had and confirms a lot of my theories about airflow and heat distribution.  having lots of holes doesn't do anything but give you more holes to get clogged up by coals :)
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It comes with a glass screen. Here, I'll draw you a picture (I'm bored, give me a break!):
It kind of reminds me of the picture you posted the other day  Its surprising that with such a big whole the tobacco doesn't burn. With Japanese coals or quicklites the ash doesn't cause a problem either.
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oh, as for the glass getting black with tobacco resin, this will actually cause interesting things to happen with the color.  the reds, yellows, and oranges you see are made by "fuming", a process in which gold is vaporized and deposited onto the glass with a propane and oxygen torch at super high temperatures.  blues are made from fuming silver instead of gold.  as the glass darkens, these colors will become remarkably more pronounced and complex.  i have a friend who does lampworking to make a living, and i've seen him make pipes that go from almost transparent yellow or red to incredible designs consisting of many, many colors.  so unless you notice the cake on your bowl beginning to negatively impact the smoke, i'd say just leave it there.  it gives character, and might even help with the heating.  *Shrug*
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heh, some people call them that.  chameleon is actually the name of a company that makes pipes, though.  the ones i've seen that were made by them don't even have a lot of fuming, just colored glass, which is far less interesting.  it's also more expensive.  fuming is a technique used in a lot of glass working, though, not just pipes (i believe).  as for a colloquial term for it, i'd just have to go with "color changing glass" :)
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oh and pav, at least on tobacco pipes (which are admittedly wooden and not glass typically) a good cake is considered essential to a good smoke.  it's supposed to be kept down to a pretty thin wall, though.  a lot of pipe tools have knives specifically for the purpose of shaving down the cake.
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[quote name='dizzing']oh and pav, at least on tobacco pipes (which are admittedly wooden and not glass typically) a good cake is considered essential to a good smoke.  it's supposed to be kept down to a pretty thin wall, though.  a lot of pipe tools have knives specifically for the purpose of shaving down the cake.[/quote] hmmm....im stumped on why this would help for a better smoke,but about the tool i know what your talking about because my father used to be a big pipe smoker(until he converted his ways toward shi sha)so hes got that stuff  lying around.
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perhaps it helps regulate an even temperature throughout the bowl?i don't know , it's just what i've always heard as well.  i've tried pipe smoking a few times, never really got the hang of it.  i never inhaled, just sipped the smoke gently, but i still got a headrush that puts the worst stalest nakhla strawberry to shame i think i may have a high sensitivity to nicotine.  i've never even been TEMPTEd to become addicted to cigarettes, and i have probably smoked at least 200 in my life.  i can smoke as many as i want, then go months without.  right now, it's probably been at least 2 months since i've had even one, and before that was probably a few months.  whenever i smoke a cigarette, i get a very noticeable head change from it.   hookahs generally kill me if i smoke a whole bowl to myself, or even with a couple of others.  well, not so much anymore, because i'm building up a tolerance, but you get the idea..sorry for the off topic post ;p
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when smoking a pipe, you do want a thin layer of carbon on the inside of the bowl, but the more it builds up, the less tobacco you can put in the bowl , and  if the layer of carbon grows to thick, the bowl of the pipe can crack. 
dizzing, most people do not inhale the smoke from pipes (like cigars). I rarely get a buzz from smoking a pipe (only when i accidently inhale), but when smoking a pipe or cigar, getting a buzz is not the point
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