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Alright, I just have to ask you guys something.  The other day I was in a local restaraunt smoking my pipe (pipe, not hookah).  I was puffing out a few rings and I puffed one that seemed to be perfect.  It was perfectly round (about 3 inches in diameter) and smoke only comprised the ring (it wasn't a ring of thick smoke with thin smoke around it).  After floating about 18 inches away from my mouth, it just stopped!  It didn't rise, it didn't keep going away from me, it didn't dissipate, it just stopped!  After staring in awe for about 15 seconds with no movement, I reached up through it with my pipe, which did cause it to dissipate.  However, this seems like it is physically impossible.  Smoke, much hotter than the air, should at least rise.  Anyone ever seen anything like it?  I've got to know,BEN
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yeah, i've had rings do some weird things before. i've also seen candle flames jump up so that the BASE of the flame is floating a few inches above the actual wick.  it's really ethereal.as for an explanation for these phenomena, i've got nothin'.  there are matters so complicated in science that the basic explanations we've gotten from our publicly funded education systems just don't work.  i'm sure there are some people out there who might know what could cause this stuff to happen.  the candle thing really bothers me a lot more than errant smoke rings, to be honest
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Every once in a while my friend's rings will turn into a perfect star-like shape... looks something like this from the side. Its weird because he's the only person I've seen it happen to, and he has no idea how it happens.
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[quote name='mushrat']Air currents. Your ring was in a spot of dead air.  [/quote]But heat rises, regardless of wind (unless the wind is there is a downward draft).  This was ridiculous, and my mind is going crazy trying to figure this out.  It didn't change shape or move.GEEEEEEEZ!
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the smoke isn't necessarily "HOT" its just a cloud of air with suspended particulate matter. Especially after its been exhaled into the air....so if anythign it might sink...
could be caught the air currents just right to hld it in place....
could have been a free radical from your years at berkley in the 60's.
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ive had similar stuff happen while smoking my pipe but never as long....I havent been able to try smoke rings eith my hookah yet due to the fact i have to smoke it outside....and while ive gotten smoke rings with my pipe outside....the wind only likes to pick up when im smoking my hookah....damn wind.
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I'd have to agree that it has to do with the air currents just holding it in place.

I've blown rings straight infront of me, they get going for about a
good 2', then they just freeze... Most of the time they stop because
their is an ever so slight current pushing it back towards me, then it
slowly makes its way back to me...

So it goes out striaght in front, then freezes in one place, then slowing comes back to my face.. Kinda cool :)
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that is wierd....and mush the smoke wouldnt be  necessarilly 'hot' but at least warm right?i mean,it came out of a pipe with hot coals on it.and dizz i know exactly what your talking about(the  floating flame)ive seen it at home,at churc sometimes,and when im lighting a cigarrette it  happens sometimes.im sure theres some twisted,scientific explanation behind these "phenomenoms",besides ghosts and haunted candles[img]http://hookahforum.com/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/img].
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I blew one, when me and two friends were just about to start playing cards, I was to cut and I blew a perfect smoke ring, that started about 1 1/2 in in diameter and then twisted down, growing larger and finally expanded and surrounded the deck of cards. We were impressed, I can tell you.
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I've had some weird one happen with pipes, that's for sure. Still working on perfecting my hookah rings, though.You guys should see the smoke ship I can blow.
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smoke rings take lots of practice to get down, and years to master. i can blow rings through one another without much trouble, ive done 3 through another once or twice, thats extremely hard. more than anything, try to make consistant, round thick rings before you start with the acrobatics, since without good looking rings those stunts are a waste of effort. look on the bright side, hookahs are the best way to learn smoke rings quickly, and you can fill your lungs for huge volleys of em... gets you really buzzed too, all that relaxing and holding in of smoke = dizzy town 
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oh, and about rings doing cool things like stalling or rotating and falling, thats all got to do with pressure/temperature zones, air currents, you name it, there are a lot of variables involved. as for zig-zag rings, i get those once in a while, very cool, but im unsure as to how they occur (something to do with a balanced movement/rotation in the low pressure ring on the inside of a smoke ring, which i believe is a result of the friction of the smoke spinning evenly or something).
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By the time it gets to your mouth, the extra heat in the vapor has leveled it out to room temperature, no? Gases have extordinarily low heat capacities, so they would cool off very fast. Compare it to, say the steam from boiling water! The steam from boiling water is hot enough to scald, the hookah vapor is not.
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Whenever I blow my O's (or rings as you like to call it,) they often go for about two feet and curve down, facing the table. Somewhat like Tang's experience, except almost all the time. I'm trying to perfect the O's around beer bottles and into glasses. I'm getting there :)Jon
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