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premium nakhla:cinnamon

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my father came from greece today and brought a 250gm box of nakhla premium:cinnamon,and a brand called king moassel.anyone heard of it?the king moassel  is anise flavored,a box of soex coals(didnt know soex made coal),and the thinnest longest mouthtips(they came with the tobacco)ive ever seen,and dont even fit my hose.
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Hmm, cinnimon could be a good flavor. I'm normally not a big fan of the
Big Red cinnimon gum because its too spicy for my weak ass, but if this
flavor wasn't spicy, I think it would taste pretty good.

If you haven't heard any of those brands/flavors mentioned here before,
then no ones smoked it more than likely. They would have already posted
a review on it if its new to the board, so you could be the first :)

So why don't you load that stuff up and give us a full report, STAT!
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heh! i  didnt even  see your post yash.you mustve hit the 'post reply' button just before me.i will definently post a review on nakhlas cinnamon,but im skeptical of that other stuff.im definantly not an anise fan(stuff makes me gag)sooo...well see about  that one.i might have to work up  the courage.
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alright guys heres the review:when i first opened the pakage i noticed a few things.the cut was the traditional nakhla cut,but it was much more moist.it smelled exactly like cinnamon,unlike most nakhla flavors where you hhave to think about what it smells like.setup-1  24" egyptian style hookah,1 bowl(loosely packed)of nakhla premium:cinammon,2 soex quick lite coals.the session lasted about 2 hours.im gonna review the 1st hour and then the 2nd.note-i used 6 soex coals altogether,i just started with 2.
first hour
flavour:a harsh,but intensely sweet,spicy,cinnamon flavour.i definently think nakhla got this one right on target.
smoke quality:not too thick,but decent.mostly cause i couldnt pull for very long due  to the harshness.
second hour
flavour:an abrupt drop in flavor and harshness.the cinnamon lasted  the whole way but that extremely sweet,spicy  flavor just dissapeared.
smoke quality:awesome!!! since the harshness just about went away i was able to take  longer,deeper pulls,resulting in huge,billowing clouds of thick,white smoke.
i give this flavour an 8 out of ten.i recomend it to anybody who likes sweet or spicy/cinnamonish flavours.if not dont bother,because this  stuff is pretty intense.and i know  most people dont  keep the bowl going for 2 hours,so it should be good.i couldve given a better  review but i was watching south park,that70s show,and malcolm in the middle.sorry dudes.ive yet to try  that anise flavor and not  sure if im gonna.ugh...anise...
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[quote name='Tangiers']Damn, I knew somebody would copy my cinnamon  flavor eventually! Mine is more mild than would be expected.  [/quote] Can you give a brief description of yours?
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I've had King Strapple (Strawberry Apple).It didn't really taste anything like either of the two. I'd like to try a few more flavors, but from my first experience it isn't the best brand, IMO.
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I've tried King as well..it was double apple...picked up 50 g's since
it was like 1 or 2 bucks at a smoke shop. it was...okay. 2x apple is a
difficult flavor to get right, so it's not always the best
representation of the company.
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El king is made by hennawy am i right in saying ?
Ive got 'el king' or al henawy banana flavoured massell.
It produces a mild/good flavour with plenty of aftertaste that leaves a dry feeling on your throat...but apart from that it is a good smoke...
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oh and i tried the anise+arak flavour,but theres not much to review.i opened the box and inside there was a tub of burgundy moassel.it reeked like anise and felt like grass clippings.there was a good amount of juice and all,and  i noticed how the moassel was clumped up in little balls.anyway,i loaded up a bowl,tossed on 2 soex quiklites,and started pulling.to tell you  the truth i didnt taste anything.for about 5 min. there was a hint of anise,but not noticeable.the smoke was considerably good,and no harshness.i only smoked it for about a half hour,until i decided it was time to fire up a bowl of cinnamon(i love  that stuff).so thats it for king moassels  anise for me,unless im really desperate for a smoke.
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[quote name='JByer323'][quote name='Tangiers'] Damn, I knew somebody would copy my cinnamon  
flavor eventually! Mine is more mild than would be expected.[/quote]

Can you give a brief description of yours?[/quote]It tastes like cinnamon, the tobacco is thickly cut and black from the use of real molasses.Any more questions? Let me describe black for you:I'll send you some when I send you your samples, I think I have an extra sample of it somewhere.
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