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Coil Burner Broken?

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So, last night I was playing Left 4 Dead (very cool if you like FPS, even if you don't it's a great game) and I left my coil burner on by accident, normally I'm very careful about turning it off. Well, now it doesn't work at all. Does anyone know if it's fixable? I would just go get a new one but I'm currently out of work and have to keep expenses to a minimum so if I can fix it cheaper than 10bucks I'll do that. But, I need to know what happened to it etc, so if anyone on here knows what may have happened or how I can fix it I'd appreciate it!


P.S. I can use my gas stove to light my coals but that burner was just SO good at it!
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On the same note, I have been having issues with my burners for quite awhile.

If I leave it on for a decent amount of time (ie long enough to light cocos) the coil actually with lose its heat and go out. I figure it may be a safety feature of the burner or something, but I don't know. Any ideas?

This has happened with my Walgreens one, as well as a Proctor Silex burner I got on Amazon.
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Yeah, mine will do the same thing. It heats up to a certain point (when the coils get bright red) and then automatically shuts itself down to start cooling. I ususally just leave it off for a minute then turn it back on to 3/4 power.
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actually looking closer at it, I'm not sure it will solder back on... it came off right at the end, the plastic cover is still there and all, is it safe to peel that back a little so I can solder it? I don't want to cause a short or anything.

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