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Flavors Tasting Bad

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I just finished an after school sesh, and lately all my flavors have been tasting like burnt (Fill in blank for whatever flavor is). Im smoking hookah hookah, which is the only shisha my favorite shop carries, but ill probablly try some more Al Waha at another shop. But the first couple sesh's with my new hookah were fine and it tasted great, but now its all gone downhill. Ive washed my pipe, and the hose (nonwashable and starting to rust internally, any recomendations?). Im assuming the problem lies in the hose or the 3 kings im using. But can anyone shed some light on this?

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Yeah I was thinking its both of those combined. No one in my area sells natural coals, and Im somewhat weary of putting it on my credit card at the moment. New hose, funnel bowl, and a box of natural coals is on my shopping list. Guess I'll have to play around with breaking the coals up again. Thanks for the help guys!

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well the hose being worn out wont add a burnt flavor. if its harsh, that comes from a combination of too much heat/underpacked bowl. if it just tastes really bad with good amount of smoke, then it could be the shisha, the hose and or the hookah being dirty.

and ya try some other brands HH isnt that good. Al waha is not the best, but its better.
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