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Oh, wait a second..YOU posted that thread....

P.S. Its the shisha. Using alcohol in the base doesn't do much beside
make your session harsh from the fumes, and waste good alcohol. I still
can't believe inhaling fumes from alcohol can get you drunk, but do
what you gotta do. Other people out there still believe it "f(u)cks
them up"
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Sorry Yash, but I dissagree with you on that. Too bad the older posts are now gone, but you could have read "The Ouzo Project" from about 2 years ago. I did 50-50 water and ouzo, logged on and smoked 2 bowls while reviewing it. Anyone who was around then could plainly "witness" me slowly getting hammered.
Oh yea, Alcohol in the right amounts will do something. When the Nakhla strawberry went in, unfortunately, something else went out
MR Bubble
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[quote name='MR Bubble']Sorry Yash, but I dissagree with you on
that. Too bad the older posts are now gone, but you could have read
"The Ouzo Project" from about 2 years ago. I did 50-50 water and ouzo,
logged on and smoked 2 bowls while reviewing it. Anyone who was around
then could plainly "witness" me slowly getting hammered.  
Oh yea, Alcohol in the right amounts will do something. When the
Nakhla strawberry went in, unfortunately, something else went out
MR Bubble[/quote]

Trust me, I'm not calling you a liar, but I just honestly can't see how
one can get drunk from simply inhaling fumes. How strong is Ouzo? Whats
the percent alcohol content? I've used wine which I think is 14%, and
couldn't feel a damn thing.. But thats just me, and I know everyones
experiences will vary to some degree. And I'm sure Ouzo has a higher
content than most wines also, but yeah..

This was taken from another forum, not another hookah forum, but a hookah thread was brought up and discussed:

I've heard having vodka as a base is pretty awesome, will pretty much
f**k you up. I've never tried it. I'm not much of a drinker...so I see
very bad things happening to me if I try.

How the hell would breathing air through liquor get you drunk? Please
explain how ethyl alcohol a) is lighter than air B) can bind to
water-saturated smoke and c) is 100% water soluble. Thanks.

It may taste like vodka becuase the smoke passes through a chamber
that's filled with the smell, but I guarentee you are not getting
"pretty much f**ked up" from it. It is all in your head, just like the
studies wherein subjects are given vodka with ethyl alcohol removed and
they proceed to fall all over themselves "drunk".

We really need to get a science buff in here to either confirm, or end
all this discussion if alcohol in the base gets you messed up, as it is
brough up so often.
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Yeah, well, here is what I can offer, although I stated much the same information further down in the other thread:Alcohol forms and azeotrope with water. The vaporized alcohol/water azeotrope will invade your body quicker since there are so many blood vessels and capillaries in the lungs. Pyschoactive substances will inevitably react quicker in the lungs. Some substances (like dimethyltryptamine, off the top of my head) won;t even do anything if ingested. They have to travel through the tubes to the stomach and then make their way into a sparser are of blood vessels in the stomach. Caffeine is approximately three times more potent inhaled than ingested, as an example.
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Thanks tangiers, you made me a believer now. Although I'll never put
alcohol in the base still. It still seems like a waste to me. But then
again, I'm a cheap bastard, so any liquor I have is going to be drank ;)

I think I'm going to copy your response and share it with people whenever they ask. Is that ok with you?
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Yash: OkSeandoo: an azeotrope is a mixture of two different compounds that combine so fully, separation is impossible. The ratio doesn't matter much. In fact, the new mixture has distinct properties that are very possibly different than either of the two substituents. Or something like that, I read it in a comic book once, I think.
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Yes you can get drunk from smoking a hookah with a fair amoount of liquor in the base. May I suggest an orange ma'ssel with some Gin, O.J. and water in the base.Basically it works the same way a breathalizer works only in reverse, the lungs work as a membrane that can pass alcohol from the bloodstream to the air or vice versa. I believe the technical term is Osmosis.If a drunk person breaths into a breathalizer, the breathalizer detects the alcohol the that is being removed from the blood stream by the lungs and into the breath. Well if you turn the tables using the law of difussion and breath in air that has a higher content of vaporized alcohol the that of the blood stream the alcohol is absorbed through the lungs.There is actually a machine that does this specifically. It is called an AWOL (Alcohol with out water) they are a bit pricey but popular in bars in Europe. Its basically a vaporizer/nebulizer you suck on like a hookah. A coworker and I built a makeshift one, it worked but just like smoking a hookah with alcohol in the base , it kinda burned a little.I hope all that made sense, I haven't been to sleep yet
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Actually, osmosis is the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane. Everything would make it osmosis except that its ethyl alcohol in question, not water.Yes, I know that nobody cares. Sorry. I'll just shut up and go sit over by the jokes section. [Minding my own business][Yep. Having a fine time.][Don't mind me no time by myself.][Wonder when that one movie is gonna come out on DVD?][Are my toenails too long?][Man, I hate it when my other personality is off on vacation.][Bored.][That toenail is like a razor! If I curl my feet in the right way, I could cut myself on that toenail.][Worried about tax-time][Damn Pepsi company, stiffing me out of $40]We can all hear you talking, shut up, please!!![Sorry]
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Not to get nit-picky but Encarta Dictionary defines osmosis as:"os-mo-sisnounDefinitions:1. slow change in concentration: the diffusion of a solovent through a semipermeable from a dilute to a more concentrated soution2. gradual absorbtion: the gradual, often unconscious, absorbtion of knowledge or ideas through continual exposure rather than deliberate learningShe seemed to have picked up a working knowledge of Greek by osmosis.[Mid-19th century. Latinization of osmose]os-mot-icadj"http://encarta.msn.com/dictonary_/osmosis.htmlNow according the those definitions I think my use of the word Osmosis was correct. Its been quite a few years since I've sat in a science class so I could be wrong with having used it from the scientific standpoint but according to the second definition I believe I may have been correct from the gramatical standpoint as well.Anyone care to retort?FYI: To Tangiers and to all others that read this post. This is NOT and was NOT to be interperted as a "Stab at" or or "showing up" of Tangiers. Think of it as just a friendly "zing" and nothing more.In addition, anyone that has been following these forums for any length of time has obviously noted that Tangiers has a way of "busting out the knowledge" as the kids say these days. He has clearly displayed that he is certainly an inteligent, and well educated member of the hookah forum community.Sorry to get all "car-salesman disclaimer" on y'all. But we all know how fast an unintentional flame war can get started on the internet.
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My biology definition of osmosis sepcifically defines it as water. I'm sure there is no one official definition, so I guess it really doesn't matter. I appreciate people challenging me. I don't take offense, especially if I'm wrong or an alternative idea may have equal validity (as in this case). I'd like to think I'm not an egoist, and I like to think I have a sense of humor. If you can show me up, please do. I need a swift kick in the conplacency every once in awhile; I don't know everything.Pepsi: Buttholes! I have an 8-pos soda machine in my lounge that I purchased refurbished so that Icould pick and choose what I sold. Currently, I have Barq's root beer (Coca Cola), Dr. Pepper (Independent), RC, Sunkist, Country Time Lemonade, carbonated Hawaiian Punch, 7-UP (7-UP/RC) and Mountain Dew (Pepsi). For awhile Coca Cola wasn't distributing Dr. Pepper, so I was buying it from Pepsi. I also had Sierra Mist (Pepsi) instead of 7-Up (7-Up/RC). Pepsi has been one big pain in the ass after another. They cancelled my account and when I finally got it reinstated, I ordered several BIBs (Bag in Boxes). The people at the national Pepsi ordering center quoted me prices of $46 for Mountain Dew and $56 for Dr. Pepper (A little pricey, 7-UP/RC and Coke both wholesale for $44-$45). When the delivery came, I paid them cash, as is my custom, and found out that they had charged me $62.50 for Mountain Dew and $74 for Dr. Pepper (Dr. Pepper is available from the Coca Cola Company again for $44). I complained and the absolute crummy customer service from Pepsi continued. I finally had to go to their office , here in San Diego, and flop down in their waiting room until somebody came along to talk to me. They said there had been a mistake and they would send me a refund check. Needless to say, the refund check was for $18. I figure they still owe me around $40. The prick who is me sales rep. is, well a prick. He thinks this is all a big joke and that screwing me is OK, because I don't sell that much in the way of Pepsi. I'll file a lawsuit if I have to, I will get my $40 and more for my time. I promise this. This crap wil not stand. I'm tired of their arrogance and their poor customer service.
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