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Honest Manufacturer Alert!

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I'm sure many of you all have heard of me complaining about other companies that sell, say 250g of tobacco, but put less in "shorting" it. Well, On the recommendations of various members here, I obtained a tub of Al Amir Blackberry and whereas I haven't had the walnuts to try it yet, I weighed in the package and found...exactly 250g. Honest! I would like to say, to Al Amir, its a prideful thing to offer a product that is as well respected as your product and enjoy the goodwill of sophisticated and critical hookah smokers alike. The fact that you could down the same crooked road as some of your competitors and very few people would notice, but don't, speaks to your character as well. Congratualtions.Any other testimonials to this fine company?
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I love al amir. I have never actually weighed my shisha out but over
the years i have a pretty good eye. Al amirs blackberry is really good
in my opinion. Has anyone noticed sometimes you buy nakhla 250g box and
its 250g but then they have another same sized box with only 100grams
im guessing. Everytime i goto the hookah shop near my house i shake the
nakhla boxes and sometimes you will hear a little pack of shisha inside
shaking around and they charge the same price!!
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