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Starbuzz Carmel Macchiato

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[b]Flavor Reviewed:[/b] Starbuzz Carmel Macchiato[b]Setup:[/b] MYA screw on acrylic[b]Ma’assel Total Weight:[/b] I weighed the package on an electric scale that I use for reloading that is accurate to 1/20 of a grain. The total weight was about 154 grams, which is good. If I am paying $19, less 15% for 150 grams worth of ma’assel, I expect not to be shortchanged.[b]Background:[/b] Long ago and far away, Sultan use to make a flavor called Egyptian Pharos. This flavor… it was magnificent. A coffee base, with hints of hazelnut and vanilla, that just floated through the air. It was perfect in every way, and was my favorite non-fruit flavor. Then, Sultan took it off the market. My lounge did some digging, and what they found was that it appears that Sultan had been repackaging someone else’s ma’assel, and selling it as their own. Can I prove it, or tell do I know it’s the truth? No. I’m simply telling you this is what I heard. They released it, but like all Sultan flavors, it had gone downhill, and well, it sucked. I’ve been searching for a replacement ever since.[b]Appearance:[/b] A medium golden brown tobacco, which is cut into nice, consistent quarter inch strips. While I was repackaging it, I found only one or two stems in the whole package, and they are small. It was very wet, but not to the point it was floating away in juices. This stuff was fresh. The cut allows it to break up and pack very, very easily.[b]Smell:[/b] Coffee, with hints of caramel. It almost reminds you of a Werther’s Original. There are also hints of vanilla, with a subtle background of hazelnut thrown in to make this even more enticing. This stuff smelled great![b]Flavor:[/b] Smooth as a baby’s bottom. The coffee flavor is the primary flavor, but it isn’t so powerful as to subdue the other, more subtle flavors. What’s more, as continued to smoke, different flavors would come out, and then recede. The caramel was most definitely there, as was the vanilla that complimented it. On top of it, there was a slight hazelnut and honey taste that you could almost feel more then actually taste. You open your mouth wide to exhale, and the smoke with all of it’s flavors just flow out beautifully. It was a mix of flavors, and really was a treat.[b]Smoke Density:[/b] This stuff is thick, even with minimum heat. I kept my coals to 3/4 to one full standard size Three Kings, and that was all that I ever needed. The smoke was thick, and very silky. It is an incredibly smooth smoke, that didn’t get harsh in the least, even when I was starting it. I feel I probably could have used more coal without issue, as I was nowhere close to scorching.[b]Roomnote:[/b] While harder to judge while you’re smoking, my father walked into the house, looked around, then went over to the coffee pot to see if something was brewing there. My mother agreed, that it smelled like a vanilla hazelnut coffee.[b]Buzz:[/b] The Starbuzz was actually pretty mild, to tell you the truth. It was a nice, relaxing buzz, but it’s not going to blow you away any time soon. With this flavor however, it matched very well. You felt good, nice, relaxed, chill. I could have gone for a bit more, though.[b]Overall Impressions:[/b] I won’t lie to you and tell you the price didn’t put me off. I wish this stuff didn’t come in the damn tins, as I put them in Ziplock screwlid containers anyway. The name turns me off as well, since my one Starbucks experience would fit perfectly into some comedy sketch. Having said that, this is very, very high quality stuff. I didn’t pack a full bowl, and smoked for about an hour and 15 minutes before any noticeable decrease in my quality of smoke. I feel with a full bowl, a two hour smoke is very doable, with decent heat management skills. I think I have found my replacement to Pharos. Though the price is expensive, for the quality of the smoke, and how long it lasts, I think it really is well worth it. You can buy three tins of Starbuzz for $45 from Social Smoke, less the 15% discount, so if I continue to like this flavor, and if the bowls last as long as they appear, the price may not be as bad is it outwardly appears. My only minor gripe is that the buzz could have been a bit stronger.[b]Rating:[/b] 9.9 out of 10
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I just got that one to try, before dumping more money into such expensive ma'assel. I figure I'll try some more though, since I really enjoyed it.
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Just smoked orange. I did a basic cleaning, no more then I usually do, and didn't notice any lingering flavor. I notice mint seems to stick through several bowls.If you're concerned, get a MYA washable hose.
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My girlfriend LOVES this stuff I like it too, but it isn't my favorite flavor.Did you notice how its really sticky, even compared to other Starbuzz flavors? Its like they actually put caramel in it. Kind of a gooey consistency that leaves strings when you pull pieces apart like hot cheese
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I didn't notice that until my third bowl of the stuff. It's really is odd, but it still packs super easy. It won't be my everyday flavor I don't think, but I really, like it. Looking forward to trying more, and the stuff the generous Tangiers is sending me.
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I'd like to try some other Starbuzz flavors, once I get a good feel for Tangiers stuff. I smoked a good bowl this morning that lasted just under two hours. Coalage (new word) is easy with this stuff, it doesn't take a ton of heat to get a good smoke, so it burns nice and slow.I really did enjoy it, and see those two brands becoming my every day smokes.
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Gotta say that Starbuzz is generally an all round, exceptional brand. The only thing I'd suggest they do is pack in a re-usable air tight plastic bag and let us pay for that instead of paying for a re-usable metal tin.
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