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Low Down on the Low-Downs

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About the fake Al-Fakher the company has gone to lengths to do something about it.  See these articles. :
[url="http://www.strategiy.com/news%5C20060201003312%5CQualitySeal.JPG"] http://www.strategiy.com/news%5C2006020100...2%5CQualitySeal[/url] .JPG
[url="http://www.tradearabia.com/tanews/newsdetails_snRET_article1"]http://www.tradearabia.com/tanews/newsdeta..._snRET_article1[/url] 00918.html
[url="http://www.godubai.com/citylife/press_release_page.asp?id=44"]http://www.godubai.com/citylife/press_rele..._page.asp?id=44[/url] 36&search=
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Cuba did the same thing with their cigars, they insituted a hologram system and the like. Being close to Mexico, this is a big help. I wonder if I'll ever be big enough to need a hologram?
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Guest Abide
Holograms? pfft we'll need laser engraved tins of tangiers soon, with
star wars style hologram pop-ups of tangiers smoking a hookah blowing
rings and saying something witty or simple like "dang this stuff is
good" ok maybe not   but we can dream
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[quote]Cuba did the same thing with their cigars, they insituted a hologram system and the like. Being close to Mexico, this is a big help.[/quote]
Hopefully this will work...... Habanos are still gettin faked thanks to the likes of these folks...
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Then, in Mexico, they will buy old boxes from people, put fake cigars in there and nobody knows the difference. In Tijuana, there are at least 100 places that will sell "Cuban Cigars" but I only know of two places that sell real ones, and one of them is the official Cuba store, as in the state store of Cuba!
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