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Suggestions for the forum

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I think this is the right place to post. I have a few suggestions to
better the forum to whoever has the ability to program the site. First
of all im sure this has been mentioned many times but this forum
desperately needs an editing feature, also needs some kind of easy way
to post pictures like a fill in the blank box where you can upload
pictures from your computer right onto the thread. Lastly i think this
forum needs some kind of notification that you have a new private
message. On other forums I have seen the link that says "pm inbox"
would light up yellow when you have a new PM. I am no expert on
computers but im sure it wouldnt be too hard to add. I dont mean to
sound like im complaining just throwing out some suggestions to help
out everyone on the forum. Thanks, Caterpillar
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Hey, wish I could help you out there with your wish-list, but I'm as helpless as the next Joe here. I've been ranting and raving for the past month or two for the edit feature. I, as a mod don't even have one. Seems a problem came up wit hit from the mathazar days (we actually had one then). As far as PM notification, there are two devices. One is on the main page. You should see a box in the upper R/H of the page. It has your avatar, ranking, number of posts, and informs you if you have a PM. Second, you can set your forum profile to send notification to your email address. I know this is very little help when you are busy surfing the posts and chatting. Maybe this will be read someday by the admin. Maybe he can help. Maybe, maybe.............. And then we die of old age.
MR Bubble
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