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want to buy: mini/jr hookah!!

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I am looking to buy a mini/jr hookah. What are some good sites? I have never smoked hookah before so I need to get all the items I need to start smoking. I would prefer to buy everything in one order. If anyone here has one for sale also that is new, please contact me at [url="http://mailto:stallionshockey24@yahoo.com"]stallionshockey24@yahoo.com[/url]
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Take a look at the baby jr hookah over at [url="http://www.taqseem.com"]Taqseems's Hookah[/url] site. I know that he was offering this hookah in the past with a really nice samsonite case, so you should definately contact him. His site doesn't have a purchasing system set up, so you will have to email him.
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from personal experience, I'd suggest getting yourself a qt mya @
www.myasaray.com. and pick up everything els eyou need at

The qt is small, easy to clean, and rock solid.  mysasaray will
give ya a 15% discount if you mention in the comment area that you're
from this forum...should make up for not ordering at the same place.

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nothing wrong with it...basically just ur standard junior size hookah...itll do the trick for sure...and you can be reassured that social smoke is about as good as it gets as far as fast shipment and customer service...and not to mention that nice discount for being a member of the forum...you should also ask them to throw in a couple samples with as well if u decide to go through them
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