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So this has been happening to me lately... never did before. It only happens with certain brands though.A few friends and I will be smoking, everything going fine. Then someone will pass me the hose and I'll take a "hit" and as I'm exhaling I'll gag, like right before you throw up. It isn't like I'm feeling sick to my stomach like when I first started smoking. Its more of a reflex. I've noticed that it happens more when its strong flavor. After if happens I'm fine... I'll just take a few more shorter puffs and work my way up to normal again.Maybe that's why I like mild, smooth flavors? Does this happen to anyone else?
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That happened to me this morning,  after an entire day of smoking yesterday.  I find that if I smoke more than 10 bowls in one day,  the next day I'm pratically coughing-up a lung.Yesterday,  as I'm sure you will agree,  was a busy day on the forum.  Well,  it was for me.  And,  as a distraction from the day's events,  I smoked a TON of ma'assel, non-stop.I don't think I will do a repeat performance today.  Today I'm going to take it easy and give my lungs a good rest 
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[quote name='Cicada']the only time it's ever happened to me is when i inhale debris that's in the hose...as a result, i clean my hoses out after im done smoking for the day so it has time to dry out for the next time i smoke..[/quote] debris  is a sign for a new hose my friend.sorry for the double post.
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yea ive found that if a take to deep a drag and inhale the denseness of the smoke causes me to cough as if my lungs are just filled with it and they want to get it out as quick as possible....i feel your pain brad its happened to me to...but it hasnt been due to a certain brand with me ...or atlteast not yet
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Sometimes, due to humidity effects, smoke will be real "heavy" due to
the extra moisture in the air leaching out all the nicotine, as my
theory goes. If you keep smoking the nicotine amount will drop down
again...if you let it sit for a length of time, it will do it
again...sound familiar? The other thing that I've noticed is with metal
cased hose head pieces, they will often have a nasty, mouth numbing,
metallic buildup that can only be corrected by washing, at the peril of
rusting the insides. 
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You hit it dead on, Tangiers. I was looking for a word to describe the smoke but couldn't think of one. "Heavy" is exactly what it is. Now that I think about it, it alway happens when there is a pause in smoking.
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I haven't really had that happen, from what I remember...but I dunno
whenever I smoke anything that's .5% instead of .05% I get a massive
headache for a really long time. I started smoking at least some hookah
(maybe not a full bowl, like take a few drags on someone else's or
something) every day for the last week and a half or so...maybe that
has something to do with it. Yeah...tried some Starbuzz Sour Apple this
afternoon (like 4 hours ago I finished it...) and I still have a really
big headache right now. I'm thinking about those filters that
supposedly cut back drastically on nicotine...that, and <gasp>
staying away from Starbuzz for a little while...
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