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First AF Smoke

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So I finally picked up some AF after smoking AA for a long time.  I'm pretty impreseed thus far.  I picked up Golden Strawberry, Orange and a sample of mint just for the hell of it.  I like the cut much better and how it's not compacted to hell in the container; I just dumped it into the container and pull it out from there.  I always had to break up the AA alot because it was so fine and compressed.  It's quite juicy as well.  The flavor is much stonger, lots of smoke and it doesn't get harsh and/or lose a lot of flavor as the session goes on like AA.  I look forward to trying their Esk Apple and Grape in the future. 
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I actually really like the gritty cut of Al Amir. It makes sprinkling
the tobacco in the bowl a breeze. And I also tend to find a lot more
stems in fahker than I do with Al Amir.

But I do love both brands, so nothing but love for Fahker :)
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