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New MYA Base..

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So my brother ordered a new MYA with them thar bases that were posted last week or so...

<img src="http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2627/hookah0ag.jpg"
border="0" width="300" alt="sick hookah" /><br><br>The
website pictures and this one don't do it justice. I mean this thing is
solid...outweighs my glass MYA and man those cloisonne hoses are HEAVY.
good stuff.
Excellent customer service btw, very friendly. Good experience =)

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okay..only the News section on the main page shows the pic. one more
try. if this doesn't work then hilight the URL copy paste into your

[img src="http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2627/hookah0ag.jpg"

border="0" width="300" alt="sick hookah" /]
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Damn...I commented in that thread how much I loved that dark red...Very jealous.. :)

As for the uploading, are you copying the link that says "hotlink for
forums(1)"? Just copy that url into the text box here in the forum, and
that should do the trick. Not sure if thats what you did, but just
trying to help out :)
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so with the heavy hoses....do they tend to want to knock over the hookah? that is my problem now. If i don't move my hoses around in a certain way, they'll pull my damn hookah over.I think I'm going to invest in those real leather mya hoses, right now I have washable pleather.
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