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Coal Lighting

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So, I've read that lighting coals on top of the bowl is a no-no and that you should wait till the coals completely ash over before placing them on the bowl. However, I went to a hookah bar in San Marcos, CA and they place a lit Golden Canary(or something that looks like it) on the bowl to start. A few minutes into the session, the guy comes back and leans a non-lit coal against the first coal so it can start burning. Isn't this a bad practice?

Also, the hookah bar here in S.Korea places non-fully lit coals(they're little disks with a bump on one side) on their bowls and almost everyone starts pulling before it's fully lit. Yet, nobody complains of headaches or being nauseous.

In years past, I'm pretty sure I'm seen people place unlit coals on top of lit coals to start them as well.

Ok, so after that long winded story - my question is:

Are there any coals that I can light against another coal on top of the bowl? Edited by arcane
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I dont remember exactly what the statistic was for the compressed charcoal, however i no there is a large presence of CO (carbon monoxide) when lighting unlit coals. so in theory this is a bad practice considering your drawing large amounts of it through the bowl and smoking it. it has varying effects, most commonly expressed as the following:dizziness, weakness, nausea, headaches and/or unconsciousness.
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If I use quick lights I never ever put them on the bowl until they are done sparking, if you start a coal and put it on the bowl right away its going to taste terrible to the point you gag. I light even my ql's on a stove burner just because i think it is the easiest and it gets them going fast. But, after your coals are done sparking give them a few blows to get them all red, then put them on. Or if you really have to light it on the bowl place the unlit coal directly on top of the lit coal and then wait. But do not take any hits till the coal is completely done sparking. Or pick the coal back up with your tongs once it gets started from the other coal.

Sorry for this crazy post Edited by cxc5120
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For 2 years I used 3K 33m disks and lit them atop the foil, blew on them to get them completely red hot, than smoked away. No major issues whatsoever.

When I was a total noob I smoked before they were fully lit and def got more coals flavor and headaches from it.

As far as lighting on top of a lit coal, um yeah when I use QLs I just put the new coal directly on top of the lit coal, no tilt, and wait for that to redden. Works fine.

The only decent QL I've used is 3K.
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well its not like life or death if you light them on top of each other, however some people try and minimize the amount of bad stuff that they put into there bodies. (brings up the dye argument) Just mkind being aware of what your taking in. ultimately im sure its not going to kill you because i used to do it, however it is frowned upon by many.
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well, here is what i was thinking of doing. i start out with 3 CH QLs, lit off the bowl and glowing fully red before being placed on the bowl. Then, 20-30 minutes or so into the session, place a Golden Canary on top of the QLs. After that, my hopes is that I can just continually feed Golden Canary upon Golden Canary until my session is done.

Why? I figure it just helps in eliminating that extra step. I have only used the CH QLs and normally during my sessions, I have to stop what I'm doing, light 2-3 more CH QLs (which sometimes aren't that easy to light), and then continue on. It's not really that big of a deal, but it's an inconvenience I'd like to try and eliminate.

Still working on getting a single burner stove type dealy...so, that's not an option just yet.
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I used to get quicklights started, then place them up top right away.

I dont remember if i would wait to take hits or not.

If you're just in a big hurry and dont care about the fact that you're basically lighting it then holding you face over the coal that is smoking and sparking and just breathing in deep, then it's just fine.

generally around here we consider it bad practice, just because we aim for flavor and enjoyability around here.

Hookah smoking is not a quick break, it's a relaxing session. If you dont have the time to dedicate to the setup and everything, i guess thats your own thing.

IMO, a hookah bar that just lays the coals on top to be lit by the current one is lazy. there may be some more traditional lounges where this is very common practice or tradition. but honestly, i think lounges that do that are just lazy.
If they wanted happy customers that come back again and again, they would strive to be the best they can be.
It has been said that someone that has a good experience will tell 3 people. But someone that has a bad experience will tell 10.

tldr: i think it's bad.
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i think you misunderstood my post. i take a lot of time to set up. bowl is packed as best as i can get it, coals are fully lit (i don't even start packing my bowl until the coals are completely lit. then they sit another 3-5 minutes while i prep my bowl.

what i'm trying to eliminate is the interruption in my "relaxing session". about 20-30 minutes into my session, i have to stop what i'm doing to light more coals with a lighter or the gas grill in the backyard. hope that makes it clearer.

to me, it just seems to break the ambience once i have to light another set of coals. it would seem a bit more fluid, if i can just plop coals on top of each other and continue on my way.

but, hey...maybe takin time out to light more coals is part of the experience. and maybe it'll be a bit different once i get a coil burner. laugh.gif
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AFAIK it is damaging to your body no matter what coal. But I do know of people who do that method with golden canary's/Fumari jap coals. I know scoop said he does it when he is outside.

So from what i understand it probably isn't good for you, but i do know of people who do it with GC/Fumari's and have no problems. Try it out and see how you feel.
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no not a good idea, non lit coals have fumes that get released as they are lighting which is not good to inhale and also bad for the flavor with some coal types. if you like lighting them off of other coals then place a lit one in the coal tray and put the non lit one on top and let them sit.
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if thats the case and health/taste is not an issue, then by all means do it.

a coil burner should eliminate that distraction though.

just have the coals right there and keep the thing on. plop them on when you feel you will need to reload and then go!
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the burners. having a toaster, toaster oven, burner, or anything where you can essentially light a fire in your room is restricted (minus lighters and matches)

yep...it's lame, but thems the rules.

all my other hookah stuff, i'm pretty sure i can leave out.
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I light my 3kings on top of my existing coal. I inhale briefly until the coal starts to spark and than I stop immediately as you dont want to smoke those fumes. After its done sparking I pick up the coal and blow on the bottom to make sure that it is red all the way. Than I blow off the ash and stuff off the bowl than place the coals back on and keep smoking.

I think the reason why hookah lounges do it this way is because if they carried around alot of lit coals and something happens like someone hits the coal holder etc. it would be catastrophic to those around the accident and to the furniture/floor of the hookah bar. Also if they walk around with a bunch of lit coals they could easily have way to many lit and than start wasting coals.
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Arcane: are you based in Seoul? I'd like to ask you a favor to post an adress of a hookah lounge since I might be there during the summer to visit a buddy. Hangul would be perfect to avoid confusion happy.gif Also, how much does a bowl run?

Sorry for the offtopic but had to jump on this one tongue.gif
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nope...not in Seoul, but I know a buddy that went to a really nice hookah bar in Seoul. I'll try and get you the address and prices tomorrow.

If you're going to be down the Songtan area, though...we can meet up. I frequent a hookah bar here. They charge 10,000 Won for 1 person and 15,000 Won for more than 1 person. Edited by arcane
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QUOTE (mattarios2 @ Mar 21 2009, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AFAIK it is damaging to your body no matter what coal. But I do know of people who do that method with golden canary's/Fumari jap coals. I know scoop said he does it when he is outside.

So from what i understand it probably isn't good for you, but i do know of people who do it with GC/Fumari's and have no problems. Try it out and see how you feel.

I do it it works and has no problems with GC/Fumari japs
Heres a pic of how i do it

QUOTE (inino @ Mar 21 2009, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
no not a good idea, non lit coals have fumes that get released as they are lighting which is not good to inhale and also bad for the flavor with some coal types. if you like lighting them off of other coals then place a lit one in the coal tray and put the non lit one on top and let them sit.

Not true.
He is talking about doing it with GC/ Fumari japs you can do this with no problems ive been doing it for almost a year every night.

QUOTE (srawas89 @ Mar 21 2009, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I light my 3kings on top of my existing coal. I inhale briefly until the coal starts to spark and than I stop immediately as you dont want to smoke those fumes. After its done sparking I pick up the coal and blow on the bottom to make sure that it is red all the way. Than I blow off the ash and stuff off the bowl than place the coals back on and keep smoking.

I think the reason why hookah lounges do it this way is because if they carried around alot of lit coals and something happens like someone hits the coal holder etc. it would be catastrophic to those around the accident and to the furniture/floor of the hookah bar. Also if they walk around with a bunch of lit coals they could easily have way to many lit and than start wasting coals.

No they do it because they are lazy...we use the same coals in the lounge and never have issues with people bumping the coal carrier.
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QUOTE (cotsi95 @ Mar 22 2009, 03:30 PM)
I do it it works and has no problems with GC/Fumari japs
Heres a pic of how i do it

yeah, that's what the bar in San Marcos does...except it's leaned off to the side.

QUOTE ( @ Mar 21 2009, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
no not a good idea, non lit coals have fumes that get released as they are lighting which is not good to inhale and also bad for the flavor with some coal types. if you like lighting them off of other coals then place a lit one in the coal tray and put the non lit one on top and let them sit.

Not true.
He is talking about doing it with GC/ Fumari japs you can do this with no problems ive been doing it for almost a year every night.
do you notice any flavor added from the coal since it has that silver stuff on it?

i've already purchased the coil burner, because i thought you couldn't do it this way...but, i think i'll keep it around if i ever pick up CH naturals. Edited by arcane
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