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OMG! - i went to the music store today and asked to listen to some of there songs before buying. i listened to PETRIFIED BELIVE ME and HIGH ROAD! - all 3 were so good!once i get some cash together im gona go out and buy there album.the rising tied!
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Actually, I have an opinion on how to pronounce it...good.Tan-jeers is what I say. Also there is no apostrophe...it isn't Tangier's. I have a last name everybody assumes they know how to spell and they don't, now my company and its pronounciation. I can't win.
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Well I'm glad all that was cleared up. I started out saying Tanjeers
but thought about it and was like wait maybe it's like his is more
tangy than the competition or something cheezy like that. Once you're
not sure of how to say the company of something you're smoking, you
lose confidence when asking people if they want to smoke it, like "hey
want some tangy-ers...err...tanjeers...tanjrgrgrbls...ah f**k it, it
messes you up and tastes unique, you want some?
Tanjeers it is =)
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