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My MYA Black is here! Pics Inside!

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W00tie *$%@in' W00t!! My MYA Black arrived today (should have arrived yesterday, but I missed the UPS guy by like 2 mintues) and I gotta say I am seriously impressed! It looks absolutely gorgeous and is probably the heaviest hookah I have ever encountered. The Cloisonne inlays on the plate, stem, and hose are mind blowingly beautiful.   I was a bit skeptical about how it would look with a gold stem and plate (as I always thought those gold colored brass hookahs looked reaaally ugly) but I gotta say I think this hookah looks perfect with the gold color. The pictures don't really do it justice, and I like how theres gold ribbing on the hose tubing and the wooden sections as well that match the stem nicely. Now I'm actually really glad I got it in gold instead of waiting for a chrome version, as I think the gold suits it perfectly. The small gold wires in the Cloisonne inlays on the plate, stem, and hose handle match the gold stem really well and the blacks, pale greens, and blues of the Cloisonne work make it stand out even more  The base is a serious (and seriously heavy) work of art that really stands out from all my other hookahs base's. Its extra thick and the etchings in it are super slick. I broke in the new hookah with a bowl of Fumari Blueberry and I gotta say it smoked a lot nicer then my hookah-shisha.com Egyptian Sphinx hookah thats similarly sized. The smoke was much smoother and seemed to draw quite a bit easier as well. I think this could be partly attributed to the gigantic downstem that goes down into the vase, as its quite a bit wider then anything I've ever seen. That alone make this hookah smoke a lot smoother then most others. Combine that with a top notch quality hose and the sheer beauty of this hookah and your in for a totally awesome smoking experiance. But as much as I love this new MYA, there are some drawbacks to it. The first is that the neck on the vase is just a little too narrow to fit ice cubes though. So unless you want to crush up some ice into really small peices, you really can't use ice in this hookah. But it still smokes great using really cold water, so I'm not complaining too much. The other downside of the MYA Black is that the tray sits kind of loosely on the stem. I'm kinda used to the Egyptian hookahs where the tray actually snaps into place on the stem so it doesnt wobble around. So it was a little dissapointing to see that the tray doesnt really lock into place on the stem. I suppose this is pretty standard though. Another thing that kinda bothered me about this hookah is that when you try to pull the bowl off the stem you often end up accidentally unscrewing the various metal parts of the stem. Every little peice of the stem comes apart for easy cleaning, but this also means that if you twist the bowl a little too much to the left when taking it off you'll probably find yourself loosening the various parts of the stem.As much as this may sound kinda funny, I actually thought the tongs that came with the MYA were a little excessively huge They look great and are really nicely crafted, but I don't think I've ever seen tongs anywhere near this big. Okay, now for my final complaint The bowl looks awesome on the hookah, but unfortunately its the kind that really only works well with foil and isn't really suited to using a screen. A screen will fit on it, but just seems to get too much airflow and causes the smoke to become really thin. So yeah, I don't really like using foil, but its pretty much the only way to get a good smoke this kind of ceramic bowl. Again, no biggie though. So there you have it!  Its a truely gorgeous hookah with the word "MYA" stamped or engraved on almost every part of it (they really don't want you to forget what brand of hookah your smoking, do they? ).  So yeah.. its the heaviest hookah I've ever seen, and probably the most beautiful as well. It has it's flaws, but overall I think its one of the most finely crafted hookahs I've ever encountered, smokes brilliantly well, and I'm darn glad I bought it. And now behold! Pictures! [img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a24/Johnny_Zeta/DSC00781.jpg[/img][img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a24/Johnny_Zeta/DSC00783.jpg[/img][img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a24/Johnny_Zeta/DSC00782.jpg[/img][img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a24/Johnny_Zeta/DSC00785.jpg[/img]
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Man, those hoses are really growing on me... I might pick up a few in the future if the price ever comes down.

Spectacular hookah also! God, I love that gold on black. And I was a
fan of that base style/color combo right when Mya posted it. Real
classy looking. Congrats!
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[quote name='Spentkustard']Wow man all I can say is wow!

Whats so bad about foil? I use it 5-6 times a day. Also when im taking
the bowl off my hookah if I go left the stem piece goes with it just
remember to twist right =)

N-I-C-E Man N-I-C-E

Peace[/quote]I've always had this weird thing about foil... maybe I'm some kinda style freak, but I always hated topping a beautiful looking hookah with a wrinkled peice of foil I really like using screens not only for the time saving and reusuable aspect of them, but also for the fact that they don't look out of place on a nice looking hookah. But maybe I'm just weird like that And ohhh yeah! I almost forgot something! Along with the hookah, MYA sent me a free gift that is probably the coolest (and strangest) free gift I've ever gotten from any hookah site.    They sent me this black hat thats got a nice little plastic MYA logo with a hookah stitched into it on the front (see pic below). Which is pretty cool as it is... but then I noticed that theres some kind of little button inside the hat above the MYA logo and a battery pack with two AAA batteries in it secured into the brim!   When I pressed the button on the hat the letters M, Y, and A and the little hookah above them all started randomly flashing neon blue in random strobing patterns. [img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a24/Johnny_Zeta/DSC00813.jpg[/img]So yeah, I got a free light-up-neon-strobe-flashing-MYA-billboard-hat. Right on! Definately the coolest free gift I've ever gotten with a hookah order LOL  You can't see the neon blue flashing in the pic, but I assure you its pretty wild.  Anyway, thanks for the comments guys! After smoking the new MYA again later on in the night (Fumari Chocolate this time ) I can safely say that this is probably the best looking and best smoking hookah I've ever used. I now understand why everyone seems to love their MYAs so much!
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