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Best Smoke Ever

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So yesterday I was smoking on my QT (I call her Gina), and I had the best smoke ever!  I was smoking Fumari Rose, with just one three kings quick lite.  I had no ice in the base (i think this is the first time I've done this).  But the smoke was amazing, it was as if I had 1 1/2 coals on the hookah.  I am wondering if the ice in the base, makes it hard to determine the correct level, bc it melts and increases as tie goes on.  But yeah, random thought I decided to share!
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[quote name='ataneja']I am wondering if the ice in the base, makes it hard to
determine the correct level, bc it melts and increases as tie goes
on.  But yeah, random thought [/quote]

I haven't tried it out yet, but you can buy reusable ice cubes from bed
bath and beyond.  They have a plastic shell and have liquid
inside, and I picked some up to try out for this very reason. 
Maybe I'll try it out today and see how it works.  I don't have
any experience with anything but water or plain ice cubes in the bowl,
so hopefully there won't be a nasty plastic taste from the shell of the
ice cubes.  It doesn't seem like there should be, but that was my
only worry.

cubes[/url] are similar to the ones I have.

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[quote name='ataneja']I am wondering if the ice in the base, makes it hard to determine the correct level, bc it melts and increases as tie goes on.[/quote] Actually, the water level won't change any noticible amount, or if it does, it goes down. Ice is less dense than water, which is an oddity among solids. Ice cubes are small enough that although they float they tend to sit right at or just beneath the water surface, so they displace as much water as their entire size. When they melt, the water produced is denser and takes up less space.Water expands as it freezes, which anyone who has left a shisha outside in the cold overnight with water in it can tell you when they find a cracked base the next morning...
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[quote name='Buford']Water expands as it freezes, which anyone who has left a shisha outside in the cold overnight with water in it can tell you when they find a cracked base the next morning...[/quote]Yashman! ...then he taped it up!
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Nah, like Don said, I used an epoxy on the outside of the vase over the
crack, then wraped a few layers of ductape around it, then melted the
ductape on with a bic lighter.

It held up strong for a solid couple of months after that, but all it
took was one ding against my kitchen sink while cleaning it to
shatter... Then I just bought a replacement base from my local shop :)
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About that whole ice changing the water level thing..
In physics a few semesters back, my professor said it's a neat parlor
trick to put a decent amount of ice in a glass and fill it as much as
you possibly can without having it overflow. The melted ice does
nothing to change the level of the water - it's why melting glaciers
won't cause something like Water World, but I still can't imagine
melted glaciers being good for the environment...
It's very true, the density does change - but the mass doesn't (I mean
unless it's really hot and evaporates but that's a variable). 1 cup of
ice isn't any more or less than 1cup of water =) it's just different
form and density.
If you're having trouble gauging how much ice/water to put into your
base to get your usual level, just put the ice in first, then water up
to where you need it to be.
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At the risk of being...self-important...this thread could use some Tangiers!Gina, eh? Um, I'm going to avoid this one...Reusable ice cubes! The real ones are so hard to make and get, too!I wouldn't know, it doesn't freeze in San Diego.I'm surprised you didn't try to spot-weld it, Yash.As far as the ice-cube/water thing goes...Glaciers are land-based formations...if they melt, their water runs off to the ocean (eventually)I'm on Buford's and Seandoo's side. I've iced hookahs and had to add more water because the water level dropped below the bottom of the shank. Ice floats because it is less dense than water...something floats because...the weight of the water it displaces is greater than its own weight. Or, ice will displace the same amount of water it needs to float, so an ice cube floating will become as much water as the water it is displacing (which is less than its volume). On the other hand, if you fill a hookah jar up with ice and add water, the level will go down because the dyamics are different. The ice isn't floating at all...if you know what I mean...so the level will drop if ice is submerged by other ice! If this makes any sense, great, I am not entirely sure, I will have to look this up...sorry.The one that always gets me is if you have a ring of metal (Shaped like a round letter O ), and you heat up the metal, does the hole get bigger or smaller?
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