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3 kings coals

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Which side of the 3 kings coals do u place face down?  The flat side or the side with the indent?
I feel I get a better smoke with the indent side down.  Anyone else have a comment?
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When I do use 3kings coals (rarely), I always put them with the
roundish, dome side facing the foil. Theres more surface area of coal
touching the foil, as apposed to the side with the indent in it, and I
get more heat.

This is just me though ;)
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I just had the best smoke of my meager hookah existance with the indent down.  I feel like I get too much heat with the flat side down.  I started off flat down, then once I got going i flipped it over.
Unfortuantely my smoke was prematurely ended when I had to respond to a call.
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I've noticed that when i start it "dome down" it almost smothers the dome at it doesnt start as easy, however thanks to the indent when you put it the other way the coal seems to get hot much easier and the really hot part isnt touching the foil so the tobacco rarely gets harsh, after the first ashing though i usually do put it dome side down though, just for maximum heat/ surface area, but at the start for me it definately works better to start it indent down.
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