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Best Cola ma’assel?

What brand makes the best cola ma’assel?  

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Im really wanting to try some cola ma'assel. With all of the different brands people seem to like, Im trying to find a concensus. Im especially interested in hearing from people who have tried several brands of it.Thanks!!(if I've left any brands out, please let me know what you had- and your experiance)
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I've had quite a few colas including: Al Fahker, Pharoahs Cola, Pharoah's Cherry cola, Al Waha cola, and now Havana Cola.

I'd have to say my favorite is the Havana cola. There is some sort of
added spice in it, sort of like a cinnimon, that just makes it
amazing... Bar far my favorite out of the colas available..

No love for Havana cola on your poll? :)
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Wow, I pressed post before I wrote anything, my bad.

I enjoy nakhla cola as opposed to the rest because of that crisp flavor
(and great buzz)... I drink coke constantly, and I think nakhla is the
closest to the taste.

If you want a taste explosion, mix pharaoh mint and nakhla cola. oh my.
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[quote name='Converge']Wow, I pressed post before I wrote anything, my bad.  

I enjoy nakhla cola as opposed to the rest because of that crisp flavor
(and great buzz)... I drink coke constantly, and I think nakhla is the
closest to the taste.

If you want a taste explosion, mix pharaoh mint and nakhla cola. oh my.[/quote]hhhmmm ill take your advice and mix some al fakher cola and al waha mint right now and see how it tasts
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Ooh a Cola flavor thread! Cola is seriously one of my favorite flavors so I really gotta jump in on this one and share my experiances!So far I've tried 4 Cola flavors. Nakhla's, Al-Waha's, Al-Fakher's, and Fumari's. I'll list them in the order of "liked least" to "liked most" and explain why...4. Al-Waha  -  Tasted a lot like those little cola flavored "coke bottle" style gummy candies you'd find in a candy store. The big problem was that the flavor was extremely light (barely noticable at times) and the smoke itself was very light as well (never got thick). Zero buzz to this one too.3. Al-Fakher - The flavor is substantially stronger then Al-Waha's, but more "nutty"  tasting, much like a cola nut. It's a more realistic and stronger flavor then Al-Waha's, but it's still fairly light in the flavor department. The smoke is very thick and satisfying, and the buzz is quite mild mellow. But I would have liked the flavor to be stronger and less "nutty" tasting.2. Nakhla - BOOM! Flavor explosion!! The strength of this flavor is immense and can be almost overpowering at times. The downside is that while the flavor is twice as strong as Al-Fakher's, it's still just as "nutty" tasting. I would also say that the buzz is one for seasoned hookah smokers only and can seriously knock you back in your chair for an hour or so, leaving you feeling like you were hit upside the head by a 2x4 afterwords. The thickness of the smoke wasn't quite as good as Al-Fakher's, but it was still quite satisfying.  Strong in flavor, strong in buzz. What I didn't like about this one was the ever present "nuttiness" in the flavor and the fact that the buzz was too strong for everyday use.1. Fumari - This was my favorite version of the "Cola" flavor by far for a number of reasons. While the flavor wasn't as strong as Nakhla's, it was still just as strong (if not slightly stronger) then Al-Fakher's. The flavor was very realistic (the most realistic of any of them) and refreshing, and did not have any of the "nuttiness" that I found in Al-Fakher and Nakhla's versions. There was also a slight sweetness to the aftertaste that added to the realism (I didn't find this sweetness in any other company's Cola). I found it to be so realistic I could almost feel the carbonated bubbles pouring down my throat as I smoked it! The smoke itself was every bit as thick and smooth as Al-Fakher's and the buzz was about the same as Al-Fakher's as well, mild and relaxing.  So after trying Al-Waha, Al-Fakher, Nakhla, and Fumari Cola all multiple times it seems to me that Fumari is the clear winner here. None of the other's managed to capture the realism and refreshment that Fumari's version does, and all the others seemed to fall really flat on the aftertaste as where Fumari's ended with a really nice sweetness.  I can pretty much guarantee that if you liked Al-Fakher's Cola you'll like Fumari's even more
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I'm going with Fumari Cola.  Very good smoke and if your a Cola fan this is where its at.  Not super strong taste but enough there with thick milky white smoke.  The flavors lasts and lasts.Try accompanying this smoke with a coke based drink or mixed drink.
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I tried AL-Fakher and Nakhla and Al-Amir Cola.
Nakhla was ok, but smoke was not as thick as the other two.  It still tasted like smoking chemicals.  6.5/10
Al-Amir, thick smoke but the taste of Cola disappears after like 15 minutes of the start of the session and it is too drippy.   4/10
Al-Fakher, It has a bite to it, tstes exactly like drinking a coke.  Thick smoke but feels.  8.5/10
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[quote name='HookahDuck'](I meant root beer for Tangiers)[/quote]

Even though root beer is much different than cola ?  You're the thread-poster, not me.

I want to try some cola, maybe i should head out and grab some nakhla cola
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I think Starbuzz Cola would be an interesting cola to try....i havent read a review on it yet or tried it myself, but based on the overall quality of starbuzz tobacco and IMO their ability to make amazing tobacco with even the hardest to capture flavors (i.e:blackberry,guava,pomegranete etc) it might be a good cola to try. has anybody out there had it?
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  • 2 months later...
They never remember the Layalina.
Honestly I've never tried any cola shisha, I always got the idea of a
stale coke taste in my mouth. I'd love to hear anyones opinion on the
Layalina cola.
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