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Tangier’s Guava

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[b]Flavor Reviewed:[/b] Tangier’s Guava[b]Setup:[/b] MYA screw on acrylic[b]Ma’assel Total Weight:[/b] My guesstimate is around 110 grams or so. Again, this is one of the seven samples Eric was kind enough to send me.[b]Background:[/b] I have no idea what the hell a guava tastes like, and had to Google it to even know what it looks like. Bear with me.[b]Appearance:[/b] Dark, rough, and gritty. If this was any more manly, it would be David Hasselhoff. It’s juicy, but not quite floating away. As a side note, I do not consider David Hasselhoff juicy.[b]Smell:[/b] It smells like guava, I guess. It’s fruity, with a hint of floral. It reminds me of just the feeling of your various tropical fruits, almost heavy in the nostrils, but it has a faint citrus bite to it as well. I like it.[b]Flavor:[/b] This stuff is super tasty. It’s got the guava flavor that I can’t really describe, and almost a hint of grape fruit as well. It’s a very smooth flavor, and leaves you licking your lips for more.[b]Smoke Density:[/b] I’m fairly certain this is what ninjas used to disappear. They would fire up a bowl, exhale, and *poof*! No more ninja![b]Roomnote:[/b] Only one in the room was the dog, and she’s not telling me her opinion. I don’t know why I keep her around.[b]Buzz:[/b] It’s smooth. Like a baby’s bottom. Except a baby’s butt doesn’t make you feel this good. Unless you’re a sicko. This review is going downhill fast. [b]Overall Impressions:[/b] I like it, I love it, I want some more of it. It’s tasty, it’s delicious, and it smells good too. Plus, it’s David Hasselhoff approved. Yipee![b]Rating:[/b] 9.9 out of 10.0
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