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jurak summary from hookahcompany.com

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i ordered jurak from hookahcompany a while back and decided to smoke it today.Jurak is not as bad as what most have said on the forum. Health wise or lung wise it might be slightly worse but isn't everything you smoke, just don't overdo it.For one thing you shouldn't smoke 3-4 bowls like how you could go on normal molasses, although you may be tempted cause its awesome.The jurak from hookahcompany is black and nor reddish like what u've seen on the forum if you do a search for jurak. Texture wise its looks the same, pasty.To smoke jurak one coal does not work, i used two, 3-kings quick lighting coal. The smoke that builds up is awesome, i suggest using a large bowl.i put and spreaded out the jurak like normal molasses, 1/3" from the top on a normal bowl and used foil with a few roughly <15 small holes and the jurak completely was roasted after <7 mins. So i think a larger bowl with more jurak will be better. Lots of smoke and no burning taste. It even works good without foil but slighly stronger with no burning or very slight burning taste which is awesome.As for the flavor and taste, its very unique and hard to explains, it tastes like strong very nice zaghoul. I love it! but beware taste stays in argile if you don't clean it i assume, cause i haven't.After smoking jurak i thought twice about smoking the normal flavoured molasses for a while. I say, give it a shot, did i mention i love it. Hope this helped, i may post pics if i have time, good luck.
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