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i baught a bunch of samples from hookahcompany.com,
al fakher: grape
layalina: grape
al waha: orange cream
 &nbs p; pina colada
 &nbs p;   lemon
 &nbs p;   mango
 &nbs p;   mint
 &nbs p;   banana split
 &nbs p;   guava
 &nbs p; melon
so far, i have made a combo of al fakher grape and al waha lemon, and i liked it very much

i also tried the pina colada on its own, and it was
NNNNAAAAASSSTTTTTYYYY , wow that was sickening, and whats worse, my
friend kept smoking it even though he hated it because he didnt want to
waste any,  we made a layalina rasberry combo with al waha
strawberry mix which is awsome but the pina colada (which was smoked
for about 15 min) was so overwhelming that through and hour and a half
of smoking rasb/strawbe we werent able to get the taste out of the

1)i am already assuming the orange cream, bannana  split, and
guava to be crap, i have hi hopes for the mango and melon,  so can
anyone confirm my assumptions?

2)the web site said online it was out of stock of al waha blueberry but
when i called to confirm my order they said they had some but forgot to
change it on the comp, anyway, does anyone know if al waha blueberry is
any good? i have smoked lots of layalina blueberry, but i wouldnt mind
finding a better one, anyone with any suggestions? thanks
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Hi Logan 92,
What do you mean, I bought some samples from hookahcompany.com" ?
Are they special sizes for try out, or was that a figure of speach ? I know its hard for the makers and sellers of mu'assel to make saml packs of each and every flavor, but with so many different types of shisha brands and flavors out, I'm always on the lookout just for that "Sample Size" . (or was it free ??!!) sheeshabum
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esova ara , lol, your right, what i meant is 50g boxes, they were not
free, but they are so small i consider them samples,  i am still
interested in the al waha blueberry so if anyone out there has tried it
please tell me what you think, thanks
P.S. i dont think the taste of pina colada is really for me, al waha is
good about giving all their tobacco a lot of flavor, so i think its
really the flavor i hated rather than the brand that made it, but
thanks anyway
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