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Collect orders to Canada

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But what the hell, its not like we are doing anything wrong here ...
Check this out ..
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No, what I was actualy thinking is to get whatever we need from lets say socialsmoke.com they are sending tobacco as a molassel and its not geting slamed with high taxes. then one person going to repackage items and forward the to other guys. I belive someone even leave in GTO so we can arrange local pickups or deliveries.
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well trust me socialsmoke will be red flagged sooner than you think.  If not already is.  Customs had more exposure to "honey flavored molasses"  products. HookahCompany used to send them labelled as molasses but they got into trouble and the shisha was confiscated (I think almost $200-$300 worth of shisha, those customs guys must be enjoying the shisha ).
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[quote name='Tangiers']I just want to point out...what this could be construde as is conspiracy to comit tax evasion.You have my best wishes...stick it to the man![/quote]
Um, lets not use such a harsh words.
As it was pointed out it all depends on how fast socialsmoke or any other store will be compromised. What if we ask some of our comrades in US to order and ship it from their adress to us in canada lets say as a "homemade jam"  strictly as a gift . They can actualy remove the labels and all the clues that this is a tobacco and atach a labels as for example #1, #2 and so on with the explanation what each number means in an email.
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Look being in Canada clearly sucks as far as Tobacco goes, but is it worth risking a criminal record just to save some money.  You can find Nakhla for like 20 bucks per 250gr which is more than the US but is still pretty decent at least in my mind as long as you are a casual smoker.  The problem I think is more for small town people but if you can get to Toronto or Montreal you should be able to find some cheap stuff.  Yes it is Nakhla but I mean it just doesnt seem worth risking a record to get better tobacco....in fact "good" tobacco seems kinda like an oxymoron.  Thats just what I think.
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