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Proper Cleaning.... OF EVERYTHING

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First off:  Im not the most educated person on this whole hooka deal... i know how to smoke (which is most important)  
Secondly: I tried using the [b]SEARCH [/b]function[b] [/b]and i didnt get much help from that. (Also, my hooka terminology isnt all that good..so just stick with me on this)
We'll anyways...... How do you all clean your hookas.  And i mean every part of it.
The Bowl?  The Vase?  DO you Clean that metal shaft deal? and how?
all im asking is how to clean it right.... i've just been using water and a quick scrubbing.  But lately we're getting a horrid taste, im not exactly sure if it's the fact that we suck at cleaning it. Or that we're too lazy to buy another flavor.
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Is that horrid taste bitter and metallic? It numbs and burns your mouth? Well let me continue my Karnak the Psychic routine...I see a hose...it looks like your hose...its tip is metal...and it is causing you great trouble. I take it you have a metal tip on your hose? If this is all true, its your hose...you can wash your hose which will cause it to rust which will create particles of rust flying out of your hose. The second thing that you can do, which would be my recommendation, is to...buy a new hose.Normally, the best place to get responses is in the area, is the area of the forum "DIscussion Group for Hookah Users Everywhere". This area of the forum is the equivalent of a backwater road to nowhere. Discussion Group is where all the action is happening!Welcome to the Forum (Again?)
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