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review Guess what came early!!!

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hey guys, my social smoke order came a couple days early!!! god was that awsome glad i didnt have to sit around the day it was supposed to come wonderin when it would get here, but anyway ill post some pictures later. First hookah!!!  damn is it sick had my first smoke and it ripped itwas definitly a good buy.  ive got finals this week but i plan on the week after postin some reviews hopefully the other tobacco i ordered will be here soon.ill give you guys a qick review on my first smoke tho, lemmy know if it was a decent review as i dont have much experience in variety and havent fully developed my taste for knowing a good hookah tobacco.havana strawberryset up: small egyptian single hose, large bowl, one three kings then added a half, filtered cold watter. no tin foil, tried out the screen they gave me with the hookah, ill try tin foil next time and see if it makes a differenceSmell: it smelled pretty good not rediculously strong but it had a nice aroma very few stems nice and wet 7/10Taste: it tasted nice took a little to get going but one person said it reminded them of a fruit roll up, alot more prevalent on the exhale, i dont have much to compare the taste to but i would say it wasnt a heavy taste a nice light fruity twist to the smoke, didnt get any harsh smoke flavor it just had the nice hit of strawberry which became more knowticable as the session went on it was quite nice.  8.5/10Smoke: took a little bit to get going, im useing smaller coals so i had to add another half but once i got it right it was nice and thick, i was blowin some nice O's, not as thick as i would have liked but it definitly got the job done for my first attempt. 7.5/10Buzz:Since this was a nice light tobacco i wasnt expecting much of a buzz, and didnt get much of one, it was relaxing, but not much effect at all, figured i should start out slow and figure out what i like.  Didnt get much buzz probably due to previous smoking. 3/10over all it was a very enjoyabled smoke, I sat down in the liveing room and all my familly gave it a try while i sat and blew O's it was definitly cool and fun, cant wait till my next smoke. 8/10
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