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El Basha Review!

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Brand:  El BashaFlavor:  Jessamine
Date: April 2, 2006Location: Raleigh, NCLocal Weather:  Sunny, winds light and variable, ~ 72.5°F
Coal:  Olive Wood (2 Coals, the large one ended up breaking in peices)Screen:  Foil (double layered, punched with pointed tweezers)
Session Duration: 1:40 - 2:50pm  (110 minutes)
Nose:  The tobacco is a very sweet floral secnt to it, and almost smells like a strange candy.  I can't nail it but I seem to pick out a licorice or mint undertone.  Generally it smells pretty good.  8.5/10Cut:  Thick, a little chuncky.  Seems to be dryer than what I am used to.  Definatley started to question smoking it.  Not sure how old it really is, it was a gift from Mushrat... so it looks like I'll have to find out from him.  6/10Flavor:  Still sweet like the nose, not as strongly floral as I had expected but it was relaxing.  Very light in flavor.  It eventually had a nice sharp bite around 50 minutes into it.  About 10 minutes into the smoke, it seemed almost flavorless.  and had me worried, but it picked up a little more after a few minutes.  8/10Smoke: Good, the vase filled quickly with a heavy, milky white smoke and lasted most of the duration.  Very smooth hits.  10/10After notes:  The bowl started to smoke but only once and it was snuffed out with relative ease.  After the session, there was a nice hard, black remains left.  It was definatley smoked to hell .  8.5/10
Overall:  82% Smokable.  Though I question the origins/company, and its age.  Not the greatest smoke, but it would have recommendation among a few others.  If anyone can tell me about the company "El Basha" that would be great.  Oh and Mush... HOW OLD is it?
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