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Nakhla Caramel review

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I just got a fresh 250gram box of nakhla from egypt.
Smell:  Absolutly amazing, its aroma filled up the entire room, it is just like werthers original.  10/10
Smoke:  Nice smoke, I am only useing one coal and it is making nice thick smoke, but could be a bit thicker, maybe with another coal it could. 8/10
Flavor:  It is a nice flavor, the norm I get from most nakhla, it is not to stong or weak it is just good, a must try. 8/10
All in all I would reccomend this to any one, I wish I had an nice cup of coffe or caramel liquor.
This is all set up in y new mya QT and damn what a smokin machine.  I am so happy I purchased this beauty.  It is going to be my desktop smoker, since my syrian is way to big
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Sounds good.  Any chance you could mix it with an apple for a review?  I got AA's caramel apple, and while decent, just doesn't have enough caramel to it IMO.Hell, I'm thinking about picking up a QT for a desktop rig too.  My Egyptian is a little bit of a hassle on the desktop and it can't go on the floor because that's just not safe with a puppy running around
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