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A few beginner questions

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Hey everyone, this is my first post on this forum and I have a few
quick questions.  Recently I discovered the hookah lounge in my area
and enjoyed it immensly.  I have decided I like it enough that I am
looking into purchasing my own hookah.  Now, this is where I start
getting confused...  I scoured the internet and my area for hookahs
that I would like to buy.  All the hookahs in my area are of very poor
quality so I decided im going to have to buy one online and this is
where the questions come in.1. I talked to a someone that has
been smoking hookahs for a long time and he suggested that I buy a
hookah with one hose, because there are a lot of negative aspects from
having more than one. Could anyone go into more detail on this?2.
I have discovered there are many types of materials used to make
hookahs and im not sure which provides the most enjoyable experience or
if there is a difference at all.  Any suggestions?(On a side note, this is the hookah I am currently looking at [url="http://www.hookah-shisha.com/item.html?UCIDs=354899%7C1293742&PRID=1491791"] http://www.hookah-shisha.com/item.html?UCI...354899%7C129374[/url] 2&PRID=1491791://http://www.hookah-shisha.com/item.h...mp;PRID=1491791)3. Is there a large difference between the sizes of hookahs? (I have seen them range anywhere from 13" to 32"+)4.
Where is the best place to purchase a hookah online? (Spending up to
$110 but less would be great.  Also, I would like it to come with the
accessories as well, since I have none myself  [img]http://www.hookahforum.net/Smileys/smilies_smf/smiley.gif[/img])Thanks for the help, and any suggestions are welcome.
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myasaray.com. They build/make the best hookah's and accessories around. They also stand behind their product and are VERY helpful if you have any problems. There's even a representative on the forum. If you mention you're on the forum, they'll give you something like 10-15% discount, too.Do it right the first time! I wish my first hookah was a Mya :(Jon
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Hi, i reccently was in your exact same position, good you came here first, i am not quite sure about the 1vrs mulitiple hoses, but i opted for the one hose since it would be easier for me, since i didnt plan on having loads of people using it at once very often if at all.About the different materials, im not quite sure, if you get a solid hookah there shouldnt be much of a problem, on this issue tho, a washable hose is a good idea, washing all the flavor out from one session to help keep the flavors from lingering.  and the only other material that comes to mind, mainly is the bowl,  ive heard alot about clay bowls breaking,  the base of hookahs can break too but there isnt a whole lot of variety.I sugest getting a basic starter hookah for your first one, they are simple, and easy to use and clean if you find the right one.cost wise, i suggest www.socialsmoke.com type in hookahforum in the cupons box on check out and you get 15% off after shipping fees are added.  I got one there last week a single hose small egyptian, the social smoke hookahs are pretty nice too.  they had a very nice selection and i got started off with coals tobacco tongs washable hose wind cover, screen basically everything i needed to try it out for my first time.fom what i have learned as long as you get an alright hookah that you like, it can be the best smoke ever, the only real big variable is the way you set it up and the  quality of tobacco, and as i hear alot of is humidity changes,  if something happens and it effects the tobacco it is the main cause of an unpleasant smoke.  So i would say go for a social smoke hookah you think you will have a great time smoking, possibly find some tobacco you want to try; there are plenty of different brands and flavors, pick a few and see which ones you like.oh yeah about the size, it really depends on what you want a desk top hookah or a slightly larger, or a massive one.  They will all work and eventually you will aquire a taste for what appeals to you most.  i started myself with about a 22 inch  right in the middle and so far it hasnt done me wrong.good luck and i hope this helped let us know if you have anymore questions and welcome to the wonderful world of hookah
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1) If the other valves are not autosealing, you will need to have them plugged so that you can draw smoke through just one hose. Also, passing one hose among friends allows for for something to do, as well as giving people a break from smoking while the hose is in rotation.
2) Steel, with good seals.
3) No one really knows. Get something in a size you're willing to deal with.  Cleaning WILL be an issue.
4) check out [url="http://www.myasaray.com"]www.myasaray.com[/url] if you haven't already. Really high quality hookahs. I'd suggest against shopping based on what comes with your hookah. Most of it is sh*t, ie: coals
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heh. look like? myasaray IS quality.

Starting out, I'd suggest grabbing a QT MYA. They're 45 bucks, and come
with everything you need right off the bat. that includes case and
tongs. mention hookah forum in the comments box, and you'll get 15% off
after shipping. Can't go wrong.

All you need now is tobacco and coals. which I suggest you get from
either socialsmoke.com (coupon: hookahforum for 15%off after shipping)
or hookahcompany.com.

Hookahcompany.com has a fantastic selection of, well...everything you
need. Lotsa tobacco, lotsa coals (go for natural). They carry tangiers
tobacco, which you will want to try someday, as well as all the 50g
boxes you could ever want to look at.

socialsmoke.com, doesn't have the same selection, but they do carry
both starbuzz and havana tobacco. Their olive wood coal isn't bad
either. Did I mention the discount?

no matter which way you go...You better be ready to shell out some bucks. enjoy

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