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I was wondering if anyone has ordered or smoked any of their shisha from hookahhookah.com. Any reivews or advice would be greatly appreciated since I am thinking about buying a 500g assorted package from them. Thank you in advance
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i have not ordered from them but have smoked their shisha on more than one occasion...i recommend getting their "shot" deal so that you can try all of 24 flavors, but from my experience, vanilla, pina colada, and cherry were one of the better ones for "me", also their tobacco has a very fine cut, which is kind of different for better or for worse, i say try out yourself
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Thank you for your opinon the only thing about me buy the "shot' deal is that i have a pyrex bowl that is a 20-25 gram bowl and i wouldnt be able to pack an entire bowl. But Ive been smoking for a while and i pretty much know what flavors i like and recently have been trying different mixtures
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