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Trouble With Hookah And The Law

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i no its just tobacco and all but is there anyway u can get in trouble with the cops with a hookah..because i heard its nht parifinala ( dont mind the spelling)...im hesitant to go out in public with it

if anyone has storys pleases share
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I know in the General Chit Chat and the Serious Discussion forum there have been a few topics about this stuff, you may want to search there for info about this topic. Personally, I've been on my porch smoking and seen cops drive by and they didn't do more than wave back at me. I'm sure there are always going to be a few bad apples, I remember some posts on here about University police really trying to crack down on it for the paraphernalia reason (I did that without spell check too, my minor was in English =p).

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Cops can hassle anyone for anything, but will only make an arrest if their on-site test kit comes up positive for THC. Just keep your pieces legit and having coals & tobacco with it will likely add credibility.

Trust me they aren't going to go through the arrest and paperwork for anything less than a confirmed trace of THC.
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Yeah, there was an older topic that I posted a story of me almost getting in a fight with a "nht dealer" that lived closed by and thought I was smoking nht infront of my doorsteps.

I have had RCMP and cops check out the bowl before. First few times they thought it had illegal shit in it, but now it is more common and they know from smoke smell that there is nothing in it but flavored tobacco.

I still get many dirty looks and some smiles when I smoke in public. Actually, two hours ago I was smoking on the waterfront and same mixed reactions. This is a smaller city and many people think that it is a nh to a hookah.
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The field test kits are fast and simple, and I personally wouldn't worry about smoking in public. My only worry would be all the street people in my neighborhood rolling up on me for a hit like Snoop. (I'm in what seems like a retirement community for OGs, haha)
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Yeah...I've had a few cops roll up to the docks near my dorm and shine their spotlights on us (then realizing it was a hookah and driving away), and one officer that walked over and asked what was in it, and I told him to take a hit and find out for himself (which he didn't lol)
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I don't have personal experiences but I was walking down by the University over here about 2 years ago and some guy had his hookah posted up in front of a cafe he was eating at. It wasn't a hookah lounge, but nobody bothered him. Until the bill passed disallowing smokers within 20 feet of any door, window, or ventilation.
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Smoking laws in Canada suck. In the winter, the only place I can smoke is my place or some friend's place. sad.gif

I really enjoy smoking outside or have someone cater me "tea/drinks" while smoking. smile.gif
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Just don't worry about it. If a cop comes up be calm and polite and explain what it is if he asks. As long as your not in an area that restricts smoking you should be fine. If your on a college campus and its a concern talk to the campus cops in advance.
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IF you are on a college campus check the rules or call the campus police to see if hookahs are banned on campus. If they are banned take to the pres. of the university and explain to them how hookah can be misconstrued as drug paraphernalia and how they should un-ban it as it can be seen as a form of discrimination since hookah is meant for smoking flavored tobacco and not NHT. Throw in some diversity and cultural words and fear of someones culture becoming oppressed and they will most likely un-ban hookahs. That's what happened at my University. (It is def. not one of the largest cultural symbols though)
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I havent had any troubles, although I've had people give me weird looks but screw them.

Hell, I've smoked some Tangiers Blue Gum Ball with a sheriff (off duty of course) and he loved it! He did laugh about how that if he walked up to someone smoking Hookah, he would have automatically assumed NHT but I explained to him what it was all about and he was way cool about it and seemed pretty enlightened by it and will take that knowledge going forward, haha.

I think as long as you're not breaking any laws (like smoking where you should, etc), who cares what others think and you shouldn't try to hide it. I try to educate anyone that gives me weird looks or thinks I'm doing something bad. Edited by ikon
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my girlfriend and i were smoking hookah on campus... we were on these stairs and sort of away from everyone because the wind was bad and i didn't have a wind cover. anyways, some guy walks by and tells us that he saw some random girl go into the residence hall and report us for "smoking a bong." we just laughed, told him thanks, and waited to see if anything would happen.

sure enough, a cop comes by and starts to walk down the stairs. when he sees the hookah though he sighs and explains his frustration at walking across campus to check out a "bong" that really was not a bong. he didn't check anything, just remarked how the smell of peach shisha that was emitting from our hookah smelled good. we offered him the hose for a taste but he said no thanks and wished us a good night.

but yeah, cops in metropolitan areas seem pretty informed as to what the difference is between legal smoking products and illegal ones. there are bound to be a few rotten apples that would try and bust you for smoking flavored tobacco, but the bulk of them seem generally informed.

a world without stereotyping would be pretty great though.
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a few nights ago (actually the night before my birthday) i was outside with by friend and his brother (three of us total) and a cop showed up because of a "noise complaint." a noise complaint!? there were three guys, an OG km trimetal, and a box fan that makes no noise - the ac was louder than we were. i'm sure some one heard us but i doubt it was enough to call in a noise complaint. i know the person behind me came out on the balocony...they probably saw the pipe and assumed we were smoking nht. the cop rolled up and with her panties all in a knot she asked "WHAT is going on here!?" i explained to her that that was a hookah and it was tobacco and proceeded to show her the kilo of nakhla sweet melon. once i opened the thing and she smelled the cantaloupe she just told us to stay quite and to have a good night.
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It's only illegal if you're either A) In a non smoking area or cool.gif you've made it illegal by nht. If not cops have absolutly no right to take your hookah and therefore you should smoke freely. If a cop does come up and isn't sure what it is, that's your chance to help educate the cop on miconceptions aout hookah, and one more informed officer i better than none. Hopefully he'll pass the information on.

I like to take my hookah to public places and have had cops stop by. Once was because someone told them there was some kids smoking nht, and as soon as they seen us (there was about 15 ppl and 3 hookahs going), he knew right away we werent. He was pretty cool about and we tried to get him to try it, but he said he wouldn't because he was in uniform...
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Morgan, why didnt you mention our run in with the cops the one time we tried smoking in the park??

That night was still a blast, even with going to IHOP to get pancakes afterwards and we see the SAME cops walk in too, LOL.

But yea, most cops will just not worry about it as long you dont panic or try to run.
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