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Havana two apple review

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Why is it we only congratulate people on high scoring reviews? People pan a brand and everyone shies away?My review;Tangiers Dead Rose FlavorAppearance:Slightly dyed, seems like dead leaves with some ground cumin thrown inAroma: Heady, like a turd floating in a swimming pool for a week.Smoke: Strong, like a London Fog bank, with little sparkly lights of barges trying to float into the Thames River, potentially carrying nuclear devices to attack one of the bastions of freedom.Flavor: HArsh, like inhaling battery acid. A peppery, soapy like flavor totally dominates the dead-rose flavor. The flavor is overall weak and more reminiscent of licking old ladies' arms that are wearing perfume. Nose Hittability:Really good, it feels like I shoved several carpet tacks up my nose and then followed them up with some rubbing alcohol.Overall: 2/10. I thought eating my own vomit would be preferable to smoking this again. Yeah! Great review, Tangiers...you are the man.!!!!
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awesome reviews! alright, yeah! woohoo! =)

On a serious note, yeah I agree for the most part with your results,
only I probably enjoyed the flavor a bit more, didn't get that big of a
buzz, and got lots and lots of smoke. It's some good stuff if you're
into double apple. Of course beware if you're not an aniseed fan, but
there definately is less in this than say Nakhla or some poop like
that. Just kidding. I know some out there enjoy it. Nakhla 2x
definately doesn't taste like apples to me, though
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D/A has always had anise in it, Nahkla made it that way originally and everyone copied them. A few brands made some non-anised double apples, but they didn't do well because of the name. For the record, double apple came before green apple. We used to sit around and say...they make red+green apple in double apple, when will they come out with green apple by itself? Thats when there were only 7 or 8 flavors to smoke.
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