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What's Up With Palin Now?

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I'm looking forward to the second shoe dropping on this story. She did not even step aside while running for vice president and let her Lt Guv run things then.
Is it the media coverage getting to her? Is she wanting to devote full time to running for 2012 but just doing it very unconventionally?

She talks about how the media slimed her but they never ran with the story of her husband Todd being a registered to the Alaskan Indepedence Party which their entire platform is to secede from the union. Could it be she wants to join Rick Perry of Texas and start harping about secession? If they can't steal or win elections I guess that may be their next gameplan?
There were rumors she had an affair several years ago with a business partner of Todd's. Could this be that freaky? I doubt that but with the crazy rightwing holier than thou bunch getting into all the shit.

Dropping a bomb like this on a Friday news cycle usually means it's not going to be a good thing though
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Meh the Todd/Independance Party thing is old, every Alaskan knew about it. Most Alaskans register Independant because they need it means non-affiliated with either party. He changed it when they bought their house. I hope this does mean she's devoting full time to 2012 though.
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QUOTE (FSUReligionMan @ Jul 3 2009, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Meh the Todd/Independance Party thing is old, every Alaskan knew about it. Most Alaskans register Independant because they need it means non-affiliated with either party. He changed it when they bought their house. I hope this does mean she's devoting full time to 2012 though.

there is a huge difference in being an independent and a member of the Alaskan Independance Party. Independants are everywhere in every state.
This group is nothing like what most people think of when they think about independent voters. Here is their website http://www.akip.org/
Note the part that says: The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.

I hope she devotes full time to 2012 as well. She makes for great late night humor smile.gif
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I know what the AIP is, I'm from Alaska. That's why I know that a lot of people chose Independant because they think it's non-affiliated.
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QUOTE (FSUReligionMan @ Jul 3 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know what the AIP is, I'm from Alaska. That's why I know that a lot of people chose Independant because they think it's non-affiliated.

I'm following you now. You said "Most Alaskans register Independant because they need it means non-affiliated with either party." I think you put the word "need" where you meant to say "think".
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Yeah I did, I love when you type and talk at the same time and type what you're saying on accident lol.
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She's a completely incompetent idiot who will likely never hold a political position again (thank goodness); certainly not a relevant one (read: contiguous 48).

It's a shame that we can't be rid of all the religious nuts all at once; it's such an effort to be rid of the more dangerous ones all at once, rather than having to torpedo them individually.

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Please do run for President in 2012, Ms. Palin. Then Obama can win again.

At least Obama is competent on most political issues. This lady is just a right-wing Christian whack job who thinks the earth really was created in 7 days. Such people should not be taken seriously. At least Alaska can take some sollice in the fact that she's stepping down in that a less controversial person can actually focus on the task at hand, governing fucking Alaska, fat task that is. You're talking about roughly 10 cities and a couple dozen towns. I could govern that drunk and belligerent. Look I can see Moscow from here!
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Wow, some people's children. Edited by FSUReligionMan
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QUOTE (FSUReligionMan @ Jul 4 2009, 03:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, some people's children.

God I wish sarcasm came through better in text.

I know it's not that easy, but the way she got elected, the way she governed, made it look like any fool could do it. Hell, if I could get paid fraudulently to sit at home and govern California, you better believe I would do it.

Her job was simple in comparison to states with many more social issues, monetary problems and diverse opinions. She screwed herself over big time by joining McCain without even knowing what newspapers she reads. Now she needs to go home to her family and take care of them like the good mother I'm certain (mostly) that she is.
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You do know that Palin is the highest apoved gov. in history, right? And no, not just by state populus, but by other govs? You do know that Alaska has one of the most complex agencies to run? You do know that Alaska has 12 of the countries top high priority targets in war, three of them being 2,3, and 6? You do know that Alaska has one of the most diverse populations in the country, right? You do know that Alaska has 29 different recognized languages? Alaska is far more advanced and complex than most people realize. That's the main reasons Palin got picked over so many more (better) qualified people in the GOP. Sure, Palin might not have been ready for such an office as VP, but she is one of the best govs that this country has ever seen, and if she would have taken these four years to learn about the job before trying to jump into office, she could have been amazing. She still has the chance to learn the things she needs to learn but her past record will stay with her because not many people will allow her to change in their minds. I personally think that a Huckabee-Palin ticket in 2012 would be amazing, assuming that Palin does some more homework. The experience she got in 2008 is invaluable but it will only work if she takes an active role in both trying to change her image and proving her knowledge.
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I also know the crazy bitch is against protecting the polar bears and anything else where actual science and fact does not fit her personal taste. Of the 29 recognized languages, how many can Palin speak?
Alaska has the lowest population compared to land mass of any state as well as most countries. Sure Alaska has a lot of positives, but it is not like any other state. I don't regard that as a good thing.
Especially when the bitch goes to rightwing leaning areas in the campaign and says things like that is "the real America". Huckabee is the same narrow minded kind of piece of shit.

I think that GW had one of the highest approval ratings among guvs and guess what? The guy sucked. He left a budget deficit here when he left. So the higher the approval rating from the governors when there were mostly republican govs at the time I regard as proof the bitch is as worthless if not moreso than GW.
One good thing about Obama is that he understands other people are from different backgrounds, beliefs, etc. and does not seem to blatantly despise them for it. That just because you don't sing "bomb bomb Iran" it makes you a terrorist sympathiser.

The same devisive bitch that said Obama pals around with terrorists but can't seem to take criticism herself. Huckabee is every bit as divisive as her and Bush and we all know that just because one claims to be a "uniter and not a divider" is not truly a "you're either with us or against us" mentality with a complete lack of diplomatic skills.
GW and Cheney acted as though they had a dictatorship in that they answered to nobody. Zero transparency. Secrecy to a level not seen since Nixon. But no suprise there since so many in his cabinet including Cheney were Nixon cronies.
I've watched this shit play out before and just because you put lipstick on a pig for the show does not mean they won't try to wallow in the first and every mud hole they find.
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I'm not sure she's against protecting the polar bears, but I do know she is for drilling in ANWAR, which almost every Alaskan is for as well, the moose will not care if there's an oil rig, trust me. I don't know how many languages she speaks, probably 2 or 3...english spanish and maybe french? And yes, if you use land size as a factor, being that Alaska is bigger than 1/3 of the continental US. And heaven forbid she campaign in areas she knows she's going to be supported in, that might be...political or something. GW actually wasn't the highest approved, or near it. But GW is a whole nother can of worms. But you should also know that Obama is starting to do things exactly like GW did, yet Obama said he wouldn't...at least GW was upfront about it. I would rather have someone tell me they're going to punch me in the face, then say they won't but do it anyway. You also seem to be forgetting that congress is a Democratic majority, and they control A LOT of things that "Bush did." I would honestly rather see anyone in office than Biden...unless it's Hilary Clinton -- she's satan's cumbag.

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Here's a little something to get up to speed with Palin and polar bears http://www.adn.com/polarbears/story/413710.html

You seem to be forgetting that Bush had republican majorities for most of the time he was in office so that point is null.
As far as what he campaigned on? So Bush was a "Uniter not a Divider"? He tried to work with democrats? I don't remember him doing that although I remember him running on that. I remember Cheney saying after the second election that "to the victor go the spoils" even though that was a tight election and Bush said that he won political capital that he intended to spend. I remember him mot saying shit while Max Clelland that lost both legs and an arm in Vietnam was being labelled a terrorist symathiser during the 2002 senate campaign.

I do agree with you on the point that Obama is doing some things like Bush that I disagree with. Namely not turning over all the documents pertaining to the freedom of information act that has been requested on Bush/Cheney.

So you think Palin knows two or three languages maybe? I think you're giving her too much credit. And French?!?!?! Holy shit now that is funny as hell!!!! I really think any republican that could speak French would not admit it, especially since that whole changing "French Fries to Freedom Fries" bandwagon kick that your homies all jumped on.
BTW the French turned out to be on the right side of history there no matter how much your repub buddies tried to demonize them. The GOP was the real weapon of mass self-destruction we found. Your party flushed diplomacy down the toilet with their stupid ass rantings about the French and other BS.

And you dismissing what Palin said as "heaven forbid she campaign in areas she knows she's going to be supported in"? uhhhh what? The bitch called it "the real America" as in the other places are not really America or don't really count. It's not where she went it's what she said that says it all and you're being a bit disingenuous by trying to act as though that was not the point.

The real problem with the republican party is sorta what FreeOS touched on. They're too many religious zealot hypocrites in the party is where I'm taking it. When you run on family values and claim your opponent has none to me that's the first sign to me that someone needs their ass whipped (as in the total physical shit beat out of them) instead of being voted into office. I don't feel that way about religious people in general, just the ones that play that card and their supporters that support them after their hypocrisy is exposed. Foley, Vitter, Ensign, Craig, Gingrich, Livingston, Sanford and on and on and more to come.
The problem with all these qoute/unquote Christians that are "religious" is that even before they are exposed as perverts or adulterous is they show their hypocrisy with just their comments on others like Clinton.
If they believe their religion I seem to remember a story about all the "religious" people about to stone the prostitute to death because their "religion" said that was the law which they quickly pointed out to Jesus when he came up.
Jesus wrote something in the sand and then said the whoever is without sin cast the first stone.
Republicans today woulda pelted her ass with their self-righteous and toal lack of conscience but at least those people had the good sense to shut the fuck up and go back under their flipping rocks.
From everything I've read about Jesus he had a much bigger issue with religious people than with sinners.
In the end who killed him? Religious people.
That "love the sinner hate the sin" coming out of most peoples mouth is total bullshit. Somewhere I must have missed the "love" all the rightwing religious nuts all the way up to Falwell had for Clinton.

Always remember that the first terrorist that destroyed a building did it in the name of Christianity. The KKK bases their beliefs on Christianity. Most Christians would be deeply offended to be compared to them but there sure are a helluva lot of them that feel that way about all muslims.
It's not like there has not been a pattern here either. errrrr the Crusades is a great subject for all religious people to read about so they can learn some of the pitfalls that extremism can lead too. Dumbass Bush even used the term Crusade at one point because of his ignorance Edited by Scalliwag
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Great post, Scalliwag. How telling it is that FSU, when confronted with a point-by-point rebuttal that is fact-based, leaves. So often is that the case with these ilk.
This is kind of like when he got all melodramatic last week about the SB vs Tangiers thing and made a "goodbye cruel forum" thread in General..

One thing I can confirm:
Neither Palin nor Obama speak a second language. Both took heat for this during the campaign. Edited by freeOS
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Yes Bush had a Republican majority, and at that time the stock market was at an all time high of 14,000+, the unemployment rate was at 4.5%, after the democrats took over majority...gas went to $4+ a gallon, unemployment went up to 5.5%, home equity drops by 12 trillion (at the point this thing was written in 2008.) 1% of american homes are in foreclosure, the DOW hits some very low points. So yes, bush did have a republican majority and during those times, things were going pretty well.

Also, how about Obamas' dealing with Gitmo. Or how about his recent tax ideas? How about his promises with Armenian genocide? Penalty free retirement account withdrawls? Eliminating income tax for seniors making less than 50k? Tougher rules against revolving door lobbyists? Where did that promised $4,000 go for students in college? My personal favorite "No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."" Small buisnesses, they got fucked as well.

I know Palin speaks spanish, first hand, as I met her a few times while living in AK, and she would help her daughter on spanish homework at Kaladi Brothers' Cafe. Also, your spchel on Republicans speaking French is just childish...democrats did the same thing, too. Not all democrats, but also not all republicans.

Also, what do you mean my party? You assume I'm a republican.

ANd yes, she called it "the real America" because that's what Republicans believe the real America is. I wouldn't want to be associated with people who talk shit about the country I'm trying to help run and I would rather them not live here than bitch about everything.

And I don't think that the problem with the GOP is the religious ties it obviously has, I believe it's with people who try to connect them to the KKK, that's just ridiculous. Most Democrats have very corrupted values as well, the only reason people can pick more out against the GOP is that there's something to juxtapose it to. And yes, that was the law, to stone the prostitute, Jesus merely used that incident as an example to show that no human is without sin, doesn't change the fact that it was the law. And no, religious people did not kill him, the same people that claim to be Christian and KKK, or Muslim and terrorists, they are one in the same. You seem to understand thatin your points but ignore it on your other points. interesting.

and freeOS, sorry I don't spend 24/7 on these forums waiting for someone to reply to a thread, when it isn't going to change anyone's minds because people are more than likely going to believe what they believe no matter what they're told. So often is the case with these ilk. And yet again, you post about something you know shit about and you twist it to the point it loses the origonal context. You should learn to read before you speak and keep your facts straight. You're exactly the kind of person why I didnt put all the reasons I was upset with the forum. And you know what, A LOT of other people felt the same way I did and you know what -- because of that post a lot of issues got resolved, and not only issues I had, but issues other people had with other people. So please, unless you know what you're talking about, don't take my shit and use it when 1) you dont understand the situation 2) you know nothing about what happened and 3) you obviously can't read because if you could, you would have read where it was said, a few times i believe, that that wasn't the only problem. Edited by FSUReligionMan
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Mines not funny, because it's true and relevant.

Edited by FSUReligionMan
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QUOTE (FSUReligionMan @ Jul 5 2009, 05:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes Bush had a Republican majority, and at that time the stock market was at an all time high of 14,000+, the unemployment rate was at 4.5%, after the democrats took over majority...gas went to $4+ a gallon, unemployment went up to 5.5%, home equity drops by 12 trillion (at the point this thing was written in 2008.) 1% of american homes are in foreclosure, the DOW hits some very low points. So yes, bush did have a republican majority and during those times, things were going pretty well.

Also, how about Obamas' dealing with Gitmo. Or how about his recent tax ideas? How about his promises with Armenian genocide? Penalty free retirement account withdrawls? Eliminating income tax for seniors making less than 50k? Tougher rules against revolving door lobbyists? Where did that promised $4,000 go for students in college? My personal favorite "No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."" Small buisnesses, they got fucked as well.

I know Palin speaks spanish, first hand, as I met her a few times while living in AK, and she would help her daughter on spanish homework at Kaladi Brothers' Cafe. Also, your spchel on Republicans speaking French is just childish...democrats did the same thing, too. Not all democrats, but also not all republicans.

Also, what do you mean my party? You assume I'm a republican.

ANd yes, she called it "the real America" because that's what Republicans believe the real America is. I wouldn't want to be associated with people who talk shit about the country I'm trying to help run and I would rather them not live here than bitch about everything.

And I don't think that the problem with the GOP is the religious ties it obviously has, I believe it's with people who try to connect them to the KKK, that's just ridiculous. Most Democrats have very corrupted values as well, the only reason people can pick more out against the GOP is that there's something to juxtapose it to. And yes, that was the law, to stone the prostitute, Jesus merely used that incident as an example to show that no human is without sin, doesn't change the fact that it was the law. And no, religious people did not kill him, the same people that claim to be Christian and KKK, or Muslim and terrorists, they are one in the same. You seem to understand thatin your points but ignore it on your other points. interesting.

and freeOS, sorry I don't spend 24/7 on these forums waiting for someone to reply to a thread, when it isn't going to change anyone's minds because people are more than likely going to believe what they believe no matter what they're told. So often is the case with these ilk. And yet again, you post about something you know shit about and you twist it to the point it loses the origonal context. You should learn to read before you speak and keep your facts straight. You're exactly the kind of person why I didnt put all the reasons I was upset with the forum. And you know what, A LOT of other people felt the same way I did and you know what -- because of that post a lot of issues got resolved, and not only issues I had, but issues other people had with other people. So please, unless you know what you're talking about, don't take my shit and use it when 1) you dont understand the situation 2) you know nothing about what happened and 3) you obviously can't read because if you could, you would have read where it was said, a few times i believe, that that wasn't the only problem.

Oh, yeah, that record high DIA was started...no, not during Bush I, not during Bush II...under Clinton...democrat???

Since the Great Depression, 12 of the 14 recessions have been under Republican Presidents. Even though the Republicans and the Democrats have held the office about equally. The only Republican to have a balanced budget/budget surplus in his term of office in the past 75 years was one year. During the Eisenhower Administration. With the exception of One-term Carter, every Democrat has had at least one budget that was balanced or running a surplus. The Republicans spend tons of money, lower taxes on the rich, drive the United States into recessions and cover it all with a lovely moralistic facade. Then the Democrats come in and make the economy get better. You can't argue with real statistics. The Republicans are fiscally irresponsible and destructive...especially the neocons. They drape themselves with the flag and accuse the Democrats of spending and taxing...while all of the huge budget deficits (with the exception of the current one of Obama's) of the 20th Century are the product of Republican Presidents.

So, $4 a gallon gas bothers us? Its Bush's war in Iraq that caused it. The same phenomena happened during the first Gulf War. When the speculative markets see a major producer of oil stop producing, the prices go up. What happened when the U.S. attacked Iraq? The war stopped the Iraqi oil production for several years. The price of oil goes up because of speculation in a free floating market. The first Gulf War's effects were masked because Kuwait was a smaller player in oil production and Mexico hadn't joined OPEC yet...they were selling us lots of oil cheap (hiding the increases of oil prices across the rest of the world). Oh sure, there were a lot of Democrats in Congress...who was it that took office with the intention of going to war with Iraq? George W. Bush. Not half the man his father was.

Home Equity Market Problems? The Home Lending Industry was deregulated in 2005, before the Democrats had a majority. This deregulation, was promulgated by the Republicans, like the Deregulation of the Electric Utilities and the Deregulation of the Savings and Loan Industry. The Democrats are largely opposed to deregulation. The Republicans are largely in favor of it. The deregulation of the Home Lending Industry allowed greedy individuals to sell homes to people (and make commissions on them)who wouldn't have been able to get a loan before. These high risk individuals started going belly-up when they lost their jobs after the recession instigated by the increases in gas prices caused by Bush's war in Iraq. All of that is on the Republicans for thinking of it. Deregulation has never bore any fruit for the working man, just for big companies and paper palaces like Enron.

I don't think its a surprise that the number of things that the Republicans fucked up took some time to set into the economy. Is it reasonable to believe that things that were done in 2003-2005 wouldn't start to show up until 2006-2008. I think its anathema to believe that the problems that people voted Republicans out of office for were caused by the Democrats that replaced them. These problems were becoming obvious in 2006, thats why the Republicans were ousted largely. The Republicans didn't lose the majority in COngress because they were doing a good job. The American Citizens had enough of their B.S. Republican apologists can try to distort what actually happened all you want. The Republicans failed, the same way they have failed for 75 years.

Wow. I can't believe that Obama can't keep all of his promises as the recession that the Republicans set into motion get worse. That is strange. George W. Bush kept all of his promises...so did George H. Bush...so did Ronald Reagan...Obama is the only President in the history of the United States to have to scrap promises because of exigent circumstance. [/sarcasm]

What about Guantanamo Bay, FSU? Did you want to release all the "terrorists" that Bush sent there? Or...did Bush wrongly imprison innocent individuals? Which poison did you want to swallow on this point?

FSU not a Republican? Huh. If it quacks like a duck...smile.gif I know a whole bunch of Republicans that have stopped admitting they voted for Bush and McCain. Some of them are dear friends of mine, but the subject of politics comes up a lot less than it did before 2008. smile.gif

I find one point offensive as a loyal and patriotic American. Palin or any Republican branding people who swallow the Republican line of bullshit as "real America" is absurd. "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." They have nothing to offer the American people except flowery promises of times gone by that never existed, failed promises about a smaller government that wants to interfere with a woman killing her unborn child that run up baffling debts and open the gates for the big corporations to rob the working man blind and send him to the unemployment line. The Republicans didn't get a "Bad Break", they aren't misunderstood. They failed and are floundering because they lack real leadership for the American people. Don't believe me? The Senate has a super majority of Democrats, a substantial majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives and a Democratic President. If that isn't a rejection of the Republican Platform, I don't what is.

FSU...you're questioning the Democrat's values? Its OK for the moral Republican party to be corrupt because you see the Democrats that way? Huh? Isn't there a passage in the bible about "Seek not to be like Evil men." or something? The Republican party isn't connected with the KKK? Well, the old Republican Party isn't. In the early 1960s, the Democrats started running the racists out of their party and preaching more liberal values (Jack and Bobby Kennedy were supposed to be the poster boys for the new Democratic Party). Strom Thurmond was a Democrat who preached, with the KKK, to continue segregation in the South. In 1964, he joined...you guessed it! The Republicans. He never retracted his racist politics, never apologized. He did get elected from 1964 to 2002 as a Republican. Nobody in the Republican Party seemed to care that he felt Blacks and Whites weren't fit to live together. David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK couldn't get elected as a Democrat. He did get elected when he found his constituency in 1989...where? The Republican Party. You can honestly say the Republican Party doesn't have any "Connection" with the KKK? There are more examples of modern racists and segregationists populating the current Republican Party. Find one in the Democrats.

I haven't heard of bands of atheists stoning anybody. I haven't heard stories of atheists hijacking airplanes to fly into buildings. Its the religious people that lay claim to that. smile.gif Also note, that the KKK has its foundations in Christian belief.

Your graphic of the Obama Tax plan is interesting and thought provoking to be sure. That graphic doesn't have all the little columns on Obama's tax plan I saw, where the rich were having their taxes raised and the poor and Middle Class were having theirs lowered. The rest of the numbers do check out though...perhaps its an aggregate of all three classes put together, the net result is the government is collecting more taxes, from the pockets of the rich and putting it in the pockets of people like you and me? The only people that are having their taxes raised are people making more than $126,000 or $136,000 a year or something. The upper Middle Class's increases are modest...while the people making more than $500,000 are getting socked. Yes, that must be it. Obama's comprehensive tax plan redistributes wealth from the rich to the poor and ultimately collects more revenue that way. The way its supposed to be. Stopping the specious policies of the Spend and Spend Republicans.

Obama's Tax Plan #1
Obama Goes After Outsourcing of US Jobs with his tax Plan
Here's the one that has the numbers I was talking about:
McCain's Plan vs. Obama's
and the Tax Institute's Numbers:
The Tax Institute
Obama's Complete Campaign Proposed Tax Numbers

Palin Speaks Spanish? Wow. She must be a Rhodes Scholar....Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton that was the Rhodes Scholar. Sorry.

I think Palin saw what happened to Sanford and somebody threatened to spill the beans on some little indiscretion of hers, too, so she resigned. I agree with some other posters. I think Palin is going to run for Senate, not the President though. Something she might be able to win. If she doesn't run again, if she chooses to become and author, you can bet she got run out of town by blackmailers.

As far as the personal attacks on FSU's resignation letter, stow it. He acted on his conscience and I respect him for it. I agree all the threads on Tangiers can get sickening and I'm positive that the reasons he didn't cite were perfectly reasonable and I think some of his criticisms of this Forum to be well founded. I, for one, am glad he's still here.

Besides, if you have to resort to personal attacks to to discredit the Republicans, you just aren't doing your research. laugh.gif

Take this as your warning people...be nice. Refer to Rule #1 .
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I didn't vote for Bush, I wasn't old enough :-P I did vote for McCain, not because of Obama, but because of Biden (puke). I'm not Republican or Democrat because I believe that anyone who makes up their mind before hearing the issue at hand is a moron.

I think all the terrorists and people at Gitmo should stay there and Obama shouldn't close it. And remember how many Democrats also voted for the war. Biden, the VP in the Democratic party, was the only one out of McCain/Palin/Biden to vote yes for the war.

I agree Palin isn't the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to national politics, but on the level of Alaskan Gov. she was and is the best gov we've ever had. The thing is, most of the issues that blew up on Palin were old news to Alaskans, we knew her daughter was preggo, we know Todd registered for the AIP origonally, we knew she didn't know much about foreign policy, but that's why the goverment has a system of checks and balances, right?

In the end, both parties have done some really stupid shit, some more moronic than others on different issues, but both have also had some good times. The fact of the matter is that America gets the president it needs at the times they're needed. The only time I believe we failed at this was with Obama. I didn't like McCain either, but I think he would have done a better job than Obama is doing in trying to fix some of Bush's fuck ups.

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QUOTE (FSUReligionMan @ Jul 5 2009, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes Bush had a Republican majority, and at that time the stock market was at an all time high of 14,000+, the unemployment rate was at 4.5%, after the democrats took over majority...gas went to $4+ a gallon, unemployment went up to 5.5%, home equity drops by 12 trillion (at the point this thing was written in 2008.) 1% of american homes are in foreclosure, the DOW hits some very low points. So yes, bush did have a republican majority and during those times, things were going pretty well.

Also, how about Obamas' dealing with Gitmo. Or how about his recent tax ideas? How about his promises with Armenian genocide? Penalty free retirement account withdrawls? Eliminating income tax for seniors making less than 50k? Tougher rules against revolving door lobbyists? Where did that promised $4,000 go for students in college? My personal favorite "No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."" Small buisnesses, they got fucked as well.

I know Palin speaks spanish, first hand, as I met her a few times while living in AK, and she would help her daughter on spanish homework at Kaladi Brothers' Cafe. Also, your spchel on Republicans speaking French is just childish...democrats did the same thing, too. Not all democrats, but also not all republicans.

Also, what do you mean my party? You assume I'm a republican.

ANd yes, she called it "the real America" because that's what Republicans believe the real America is. I wouldn't want to be associated with people who talk shit about the country I'm trying to help run and I would rather them not live here than bitch about everything.

And I don't think that the problem with the GOP is the religious ties it obviously has, I believe it's with people who try to connect them to the KKK, that's just ridiculous. Most Democrats have very corrupted values as well, the only reason people can pick more out against the GOP is that there's something to juxtapose it to. And yes, that was the law, to stone the prostitute, Jesus merely used that incident as an example to show that no human is without sin, doesn't change the fact that it was the law. And no, religious people did not kill him, the same people that claim to be Christian and KKK, or Muslim and terrorists, they are one in the same. You seem to understand thatin your points but ignore it on your other points. interesting.

and freeOS, sorry I don't spend 24/7 on these forums waiting for someone to reply to a thread, when it isn't going to change anyone's minds because people are more than likely going to believe what they believe no matter what they're told. So often is the case with these ilk. And yet again, you post about something you know shit about and you twist it to the point it loses the origonal context. You should learn to read before you speak and keep your facts straight. You're exactly the kind of person why I didnt put all the reasons I was upset with the forum. And you know what, A LOT of other people felt the same way I did and you know what -- because of that post a lot of issues got resolved, and not only issues I had, but issues other people had with other people. So please, unless you know what you're talking about, don't take my shit and use it when 1) you dont understand the situation 2) you know nothing about what happened and 3) you obviously can't read because if you could, you would have read where it was said, a few times i believe, that that wasn't the only problem.

Bush inherited a great economy. He started two wars while cutting huge tax cuts for the wealthiest. He turned a huge surplus into an even larger deficit.
Now you say things went bad when the dems took control as in they had all the power? Let's use a little common sense on those remarks. Didn't Bush have to sign things into law in order for anything the democrats wrote into law? Government fucking 101 there bro. Democrats had tried in vain to get Bush to have the Justice Dept investigate the oil industry and they ignored them.
As a matter of fact the governor of California that was recalled had been complaining that the energy companies were creating the rolling blackouts and wanted an investigation which Bush refused to do. So he gets recalled, Arnold S. gets put in and what did we find out? We found out that Enron, the same company that let GW use their jets to go back and forth to Florida during the infamous recount was manipulating the power grid.
That happened while repubs ran the show baby. Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I12UcHwUPaY&feature=fvst

You say you ain't a repub but you are dyed in the wool. All your threads that are political are always republican slanted so gimme a break. Now I do believe that you weren't old enough to vote for Bush because it's written all through your posts without saying even stating that. Which is why I have to categorily explain how the hell government works.
If the dems wanted to do anything Bush did not want to he could veto it. What exactly did he veto that got overwritten that you are blaming the dems for? Some BS claim like that may fool some of the people into thinking you have a valid arument but Government 101 calls that bullshit.
Bush/Cheney are responsible for allowing Enron to manipulate the power grid and had a conflict of interest as well as it was in their favor that a democrat guv was going to get recalled because of the havoc their friends were wreaking.
That is an opinion, not fact. But neither is your theory on how the "great and powerful" dems had somehow full control while Dubya was prez.
You voted for McCain because Rush told you too, another theory wink.gif
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I just happen to agree with Republican's points of view on many of the major issue, not all, but many. And I know how goverment works, but how it's supposed to work and how it actually works aren't always one in the same.
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I checked into the tax issue more. FSU was right...looks like Obama slipped us a rusty musket.

Taxes are going to go up in 2010:

Here's Some numbers I compiled:


Damn you Obama!

These numbers are the net change from 2008-2010...Taxes went down from 2008-2009....but are going up enough to nullify that plus a little. I don't know if thats going to include health coverage or not...I don't think so, since this represents the current laws and the Health Care hasn't been approved.

Sure enough, Taxes on the rich are going down, taxes on the middle class are going up. Honest mistake on my part. Its so rare for Republicans to tell the truth, its easy to just distrust anything they say...laugh.gif
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