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Worst thing has happend

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[quote name='surfpico']What a sexist little forum.It's men like you that cause women like me to be Pro-Choice. Psh.[/quote]Holy crap are you serious? My bad, I was just kidding. I love my mum, and I am definitely not belittling birthing pains...Or women. No offense was meant.
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First off man, sorry about your loss.Second, this reminds me of a story. My buddy and I are over partying at one of his coworkers apartments. There is vodka and blue koolaid involved, as well as the hookah, and the poor hookah bowl gets left there.Enter the three stoners who live on the floow below her. We go back the next day, wondering if she knows where the bowl is. She is clueless. One our way down, we stop at the stoners place, who once in a great while, we do irresponsible stuff with, back before I was responsible.And there, sitting on the coffee table is the bowl. We ask them if they know what it is, and they reply, in typical stoner fashion, "Duuuuddeeee, we can't figure out how you smoke out of it. Like, it had foil on it, and this weird stuff in it that smelled all fruity. It was far out man." So we wow them with the hookah, partake in irresponsible activities with them, and make them promise never to try to smoke shisha out of a bowl without a hookah again (apparently it was very harsh). [xx(]
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im thinkging i can just get this [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/New-13-Mya-Chrome-STARLIGHT-Hookah-Hooka"]http://cgi.ebay.com/New-13-Mya-Chrome-STAR...HT-Hookah-Hooka[/url] -Shisha-w-Cage_W0QQitemZ5462636847QQcategoryZ596QQtcZphotoQQ cmdZViewItemthey say its a real one
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