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Currently I have a [url="http://www.inimicus.com/SWEET/sweet3.jpg"]Mya hookah that I adore. I often have groups of people over or bring my hookah to intimate parties or gatherings, and I decided I wanted something that could serve more people simultaneously.My friends have a twin hose Stargate, and I really enjoy the way it smokes. It is of the non autoseal variety, and the thumb over the tip took a bit of getting used to, but had an awesome functionality, nonetheless.I found this one[/url] on the Hookah-Shisha website, and decided it would be great — in silver, of course. I like the autoseal concept. I have never tried a hookah with one, but I enjoy the thought of not having many people's fingers over the mouthpiece. The airflow problem I have read on the forum has made me wary, however, the style of my smoking suggests this won't be too much of an issue.So I placed my order. And, yes, I entered the coupon code for a free Crown (Mya QT) in Amber. I mentioned HookahForum, but we'll see if the discount applies.All in all, I'm excited. I'm not sure what I'll do with three hookahs (smoke them—what else?). I have a stash of an assortment of Romman in my mini frigo that should last me a few months...Anyone have anything similar? If so, tell me about it.
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In a sense that it is available elsewhere for cheaper or the price for what you get?I paid $140 for my Mya (previously pictured) at a local shop, and I feel it was worth it even though I could have bought it cheaper online. That was just with the hookah, case, tongs, ceramic bowl, and two 50 gram packages of (I forget the brand) tobacco/quick light coals.I think that's everything.This purchase included a lot more accessories, as well as a free mini hookah, as well as 15% off.I feel the price paid for everything to be reasonable.Unless you could show me where I could get all that stuff significantly cheaper.
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yeah thats waaaaaaay too much for that hookah. Samir at taqseem will
hook you up for the exact same hookah (32" instead) with everything you
need for $100. Also comes with a signature hard case.  I just
bought a 20" from him for $65 flat with more than enough accessories
than i can handle.  I saw the exact same hookah in berkeley going
for $109 JUST for the hookah.  if you look down the forum, a guy
just bought a 25 incher from Samir for only $75, free shipping. 
The website is www.taqseem.com or to reach Samir, his email is
sales@taqseem.com he's basically the coolest guy ever for hooking the
forum people up with insanely awesome deals :) hope i helped ya out
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