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Mix disasters

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Ever made a mix that sounded good at first glance but upon smoking was discovered to be absolutely terrible?My latest failed experiment involved attempting to make a cinnamon apple mix using what I had on hand, that being Tangiers cinnamon and Nakhla double apple. Both are fine on their own, and it smelled decent when both containers were put side by side. I suppose the first mistake was to try mixing tobaccos that use different bases.The mixed flavor was virually indescribable. There was no cinnamon, apple, or anise flavor - the mix oddly enough came out tasting vaguely like a very weak coconut of all things. I couldn't finish the bowl... it was pretty bad.
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Yeah, Ghostbusters...classicActually, a long time ago, around here, I made mention several times that tobaccos of different foundations tended to clash with each other. Be wary!Foundation A:Molasses, full nicotine:Tangiers, Al Majlis, BahrainiFoundation B:Honey, full nicotine:Al Waha, Romman, PharoahsFoundation C:Corn Syrup, Full nicotine:Nahkla, SultanFoundation D:Corn Syrup, Reduced nicotine:Al Amir, Al Quemah, LAyaleena, Al Fakher.
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There's no guarantees. Thats the point...I'm not saying it won't work, but it may create problems or not...just leave me alone!I'm not crazy...I coated all the crazy parts in plastic...ah plastic!
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I am the only readily available manufacturer to use molasses. If they used molasses, they couldn;t come up with so many interesting shades of orange to dye the tobacco! Is there anything more insincere than ending a sentence with an exclaimation mark?I believe honey is less sweet than corn syrup, but its a matter of relativity. What do you consider sweet?Trivia question, related point: What is the largest mountain on Earth?
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