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Problem with my Hookah?

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I just recently delvd into smoking Hookah and bought my own mini pipe.  It stands about 17 or 18 inches, and is one of those very common small solid colored ones with the plastic hose, small base, etc.
The first time I smoked it, it had a terrible taste, which come to find out was some type of cleaner in the pipe I think.  After cleaning it thoroughly, I have run into another problem. 
I can taste the coals or the ash or something else.  I am using Rolland Coals, which seem TERRIBLE.  They don't last for long, and completely ash apart leaving ash in my clay bowl. 
The taste of the tobacco is also really muted when smoking.  Would this have anything to do with the height of the hookah or the size of the base?
Any help would be appreciated!
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Well, it is because of coals, their taste go through the bowl into water then your hoose, use natural coals and wait for them to be totaly lit.
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as for your hookah..
where did you get it? If online can you post a link?
Or even a picture of the hookah itself?
EVERYTHING can effect the flavour. How much tobacco, what kind of coals, did you wait for the coals to turn completely  white before using, what flavours of those brands you are smoking....
guess we better start at the top
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It looks EXACTLY like this [url="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000AVPF4A/102-5702898-8256109?v=glance&s=miscellaneous&me=standard&vi=pictures&img=14#more-pictures"] http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai.../B000AVPF4A/102[/url] -5702898-8256109?v=glance&s=miscellaneous&me=standar d&vi=pictures&img=14#more-pictures I bought it from a store in Houston off of Hillcroft, can't remember the name, was just a big middle eastern/Indian grocery store with lots of hookah stuff.
The tobacco I have not been filling to the brim of the bowl, about half a centimeter from the top, the coals turn white pretty quickly, not as quickly as 3 kings though. 
The flavors I have are Nakhala: Banana, Vanilla  Al waha- honeydew, al waha- strawberry and mint. 
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Ah..ok..a junior modern..a perfectly good hookah. was afraid you'd gottten one of the coloured aluminium ones..
Ya, Id saay go to a local shop or even a new age shop if you have to for a better type of charcoal.
and i don't know squat about ANY of those particular flavours.
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i've got the exact same hookah as shown in the picturemine works just fine,pending on the shisha i'm using and the coals i'm burningi stick to Japanese Easy Lite coals and Al-Fakher or Al-Amir shishamake sure you clean your hookah thoroughly before each smokeand i've noticed a big difference in flavor when i clean out my hosei've got one question though, if you look through the stem..do you see the little coil like thing stuck inside? what's it for?i've had broken pieces of it come out while i cleaned it,but it never seemed to affect my smoking experience really..just curious. :]
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