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Awful smoking expierience

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So I had a few friends over, several of whom were new to hookah, never
smoked it before.  I decided to try out my new Fumari White
Peach.  I packed the bowl and set everything up as planned. 
I broke up some coal and put about 1.5 3kings coals worth of broken up
thirds around the edge of the bowl.  As I am accustomed to
doing.  The smoke got BITTER.  Pretty thick smoke, but BITTER
and DISGUSTING and it was getting harsh every 3-4 minutes.  I take
off the bowl 20 minutes into it, thoroughly disgusted, and a bit of
shisha had stuck to the tin foil.  Oh, thats the reason why, i
said.  I repacked with some fumari Black Cherry (which on a
previous expierience was very good), being careful not to pack too
much.  This too became disgusting tasting within 20 minutes. 
I finally RE-packed with Fumari Tropical Punch and used about 1 coal
worth of coal pieces and got that delicious, thick, flavorful, clean
smoke that i was after.

I am thoroughly pissed that the fumari peach wasnt as good as it
smelled.  Is there anything i need to know about fumari in order
to get a good smoke out of it?
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it might have been that you were using a bit excess coals on the first fumari bowli tend to get yucky, harsh on the back of the mouth smoke when i put too much coalit also might possibly have been whatever you've got inside the base, if it was water, then i dont knowyou might also wanna try cleaning out your stem, mine gets all this ugly green buildup inside of it, and i'm pretty sure it affects the flavor of the smokesorry if i dont help at all,good luck!
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