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Anyone live in CS/Houston,/Austin?

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I am currently going to school in Montana but I am from Kingwood, about
20 miles north of Houston. I go to CS every now and then to visit
friends going to A&M. I have a brother and some friends in Austin
so I go there every once in a while to.
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Yeah Twang, I meant to ask you how you knew of college station.  I think it's one of those places only Texans and teams in the Big 12 conference know of.  I know where Kingwood is, really nice area. 
What year are your friends?  And if you don't mind me asking, how'd you get from Kingwood to Montana? 
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Sorry, I don't know of any good hookah shops in Houston. I mainly order
all my stuff online. I've gone to a few hookah bars/cafes, nothing
special. I'd rather smoke on the back porch with a couple of friends.
Which store do you know of?

Methodical13- I've got a few friends at Texas State. Ever had BBQ from Lockhart?
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The store is called the Jerusalem Hallel Meat Market.  It sells a ton of middle eastern and indian type foods, with some hookahs in the front and a back area with a ton of hookah parts, bowls, grommets where you can piece together your own hookah.  In the front they have a really large collection of musell, but I have my doubts about the quality of it. 
It is off 59, on Hillcroft past the Sari clothing store.
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