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Funny you say that.  Saturday in NY was one of our first beautiful days, finally got to take advantage of my deck which happens to be in the front of my condo.  Whipped out my 32" Egyptian with some friends.  Put it to you this way, I definately got some pretty dirty looks while some of my neighbors walked by.  One of them actually asked what it was and found it intriguing.  The rest of them definately thought I was up to no good.  F 'em.
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Meh, I don't see it being an MTV fad or anything.  In the article even they mention Frats having them.  I am not trashing my Hookah just because some Frat boys do it.  Which Btw, I associate Frat guys with MTV, no offense to guys out there in serious frats. 
Anyway, I was/am a philosophy double major, political science being my other degree, and I have to say, there are no two subjects that come near being as fun to deliberate upon while smoking your nargileh.
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Oh,God! Smoking hookahs are not safe?Not Safe?OH no!Well, I'm gonna stop right now...in fact I'm never gonna start...I gonna do one of those born again virgin things and regress to the point that I never smoked in the first place.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Oh,God! Smoking hookahs are not safe?Not Safe?OH no!Well, I'm gonna stop right now...in fact I'm never gonna start...I gonna do one of those born again virgin things and regress to the point that I never smoked in the first place.  [/quote]Tangiers you are done dude, you are guilty of killing billions of innocent college students! Close your lounge and factory asap and make a new business hmm ermmm.... be a weapon dealer at least it is legal in USA to kill any tresspassers WITHOUT even a question...
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Yes, hence the death avatar...for a merchant of death.The thing that really annoyed me was the "documented cases of transmitting Herpes". Oh...you mean if I don't use a tip, I can pass cold sores around? Wow. Revelations. Seven golden vials of the wrath of God, the first one is Herpes! I'm surprised thay haven;t come out with an article condemning kissing...it transmits Herpes! Oh yeah, they're not opposed and biased towards kissing like they are smoking.
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My fraternity has a nice hookah, done in our chapter colors.  We use it at one of our ice breaking events with new pledges.  I'll make the statement now that we are VERY anti hazing at my school, and in my fraternity.  We don't force anyone to smoke it, and noone is pressured to do so, but many of our pledges try it out and it really breaks the ice.
I have to say, Aggie, that I do take offense to your statement lumping frat boys in with MTV.  There is a lot more to greek life than partying.  There are fraternities that run a wide range of missions, from academic success, to community service, to international student organizations, and many more.  Modern media will always portray the fraternity in a poor light, because that is what the people want to see.  And I am not saying that there aren't a fair share of fraternities that don't exist for the sole purpose of partying.  But there are many sports teams that haze longer and harder than any frat ever thought of doing, and they are never harassed about it.  It is a terrible double standard that, no matter what, will probably never be broken.
But it won't stop us from trying.
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The truth is the vast majority of the upper echelon people of society, the captains of industry and masters of finance were all in fraternities, even now. Like I said in a previous thread, only one US president wasn't in a fraternity or fraternal organization, Bill Clinton. I found being in a fraternity to be very positive for me. Getting drunk is only the outward things people see, and its the negative thing people associate with fratenity members. Is it fair to say that all black people are gang members and only interested in dealing drugs, committing crime and killing people? Why would you then have a preconceived notion about fraternity members are like?
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