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distributor info?

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I live in Lexington, Kentucky which basically means anything not related to Basketball is non-existant.  We do have a little indie shop downtown who is interested in selling hookahs and tobacco, the problem is their current distributor sucks.  They only carry Habibi tobacco and haven't made a connection to sell hookahs yet.I'm new to this whole thing, but I'm very interested in building up something around here.  I think it would be nice to just walk down to the store and pick up some good stuff.  My question is, what are some contacts I could take the shop owner to start getting some good products in Lexington?  At the moment they are mainly interesed in tobacco...any help?
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Have your guy email the folks at [url="http://shisha-hookah.com/"]http://shisha-hookah.com/[/url]

I own a "traditional" tobacco shop and I recently added hookahs and
shisha. Many of the people I initially contacted about wholesale
purchases had minimum orders of $500 or more. The guys at at
shisha-hookah have no minimum order and have been great to deal with.
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