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I dont think filters work if you inhale you still are putting smoke in your lungs I think filters are just another money making gimmic even if you dont inhale some smok still enters your lungs
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Bondal, I don't want to sound like the forum smarta$$, but I now welcome you to the world of smoking. There are three things to do to remedy this problem, and I list them in order of desirability:
1. Quit smoking.
2. Train harder.
3. Quit running.
The first one is the ultimate answer. It is blocking you from what it is you want. Not knowing what your dreams and objectives are, I can only assume that since you are on the track team, and also run cross country, you are probably shooting for marathon running some day, or some other significant activity that requires optimum health. If something is standing in your way, either remove it or go around it or over it. Negotiate the obstacle!
The second option will work, however at an expense: You take more free time away form other things you enjoy, you risk burnout, you keep feeding your habit of smoking (if it really is a habit, but only you know this one), and it eventually will catch up to you. When THAT happens, all the extra training you did was futile. In other words, you aren't getting the payment for the work you put into it. I fit into this category. It kept me ahead of the 18 - 20 year olds in a 20 year Carree. This kept me on top for about 15 years. The last five years I had to stop running as other injuries took me out of it. But things got harder and harder. You know what it's like to puke from pushing so hard. Imagine going thorough it and not getting a significant enough return.
And the third option is really not an intelligent option, so we shouldn't even consider that one.
Now, understand that I've had friends and acquaintances who were cigarette smokers like me. They quit smoking and took up the hookah. They reported better health and physical abilities. BUT remember that is a cigarette smoker going to hookahs. There is a slight difference. Just like there is a difference going from healthy, non-smoking lungs to smoking lungs. YOU will decrease your performance.
Oh look at me now. I rambled on again. Choose wisely.
MR Bubble
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To answer your question- the "filters" have come up several times. We all have just assumed its a simple charcoal filter which would do very little to affect the carcinogins in the smoke. Some people have reported a slight loss in flavor.run a search for filter
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i have those exact filters and the things i found are this; i does not affect the thickness of the smoke, has little if no change of flavor(and this is from many of my friends responses), and takes the pleasant head buzz away completely.  I smoke about every day and i still getr a buzz every day but when i use a filter i notice that i cannot get a head buzz nomatter how many hits i take, but i find the best part about the filters is that it cant hurt,  but it can possibly help.  
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Thanks a lot. Quitting hookah is definitly not an option, and I honestly dont care about about running. My priority in life is happiness, and running brings me nothing but pain. Hookah on the other hand is one of my favorite activities, and I dont want to give it up. I never smoke more than once a week anyways, so maybe adding the filter to my experience wont be such a bad idea.
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I had ordered  the "Nilotic" filter from Egypt that has a charcoal filter. In the beginning I thought it was nice, but it was a hassle since it does not fit well on the Cobra hose mouthpiece. Secondly, when I went to clean out my hose it was full of charcoal that must have gone into it when I periodicaly blew a bit of smoke out the air valve. Its  a waste of money.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Now, I don't want to sound like so much of a smart a$$ that I sound like Bubba, but well...actually I just wanted to poke fun at Bubba.[/quote]
Hey! Poke You, MR Honky Mofo!!
I'm tellin ya'll, the boy's gonna' smoke a turd in hell someday...
MR Bubble
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Just a little tip...most people abbreviate Mister as "Mr.", not "MR" I'm not gonna smoke nothing I don;t wanna...don't forget, I work for the company. If you are an executive in the company, you're guaranteed a seat on the bus up the high road.Maybe you should stop smoking lesser brands...I think you're about to blow a gasket.
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Hey MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR, MR.
I'll deal with you as soon as I can remember what I wanted to say.
MR Bubble
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