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Starbuzz Blueberry

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[b]Flavor Reviewed:[/b] Starbuzz Blueberry[b]Setup:[/b] MYA QT[b]Ma’assel Total Weight:[/b] Sample[b]Background:[/b] Ali from Social Smoke is my hero. Tangiers is my idol.[b]Appearance:[/b] Starbuzz ultra ground, super duper processed cut, but they totally missed one leaf this time. One leaf looked like Tangiers, the rest looked like it had been run through a food processor. I expected this to be blue. Oh no. It was green. And when I say green, I mean the color you would be if you saw Hillary Clinton naked. It was almost disturbing. I do like the juice level on Starbuzz, it’s the perfect amount..[b]Smell:[/b] Things get foggy here, and pretty much roll down hill. I have no idea what this smells like. It’s not blueberries. I decided to let it breath for a few more hours, came back, and it smelled more fruit like. But I cannot for the life of me place it. This stuff has me stumped.[b]Flavor:[/b] This is the downhill part. Either my lungs are black as coal from smoking the high tobacco stuff I have been enjoying so much recently, I can’t pack three hookah bowls in a row, or this stuff really had no flavor at all. I was inhaling smoke, and it had a little of that weird taste that I described in my review on the Starbuzz Kiwi, but flavor? At least it wasn’t the Ajax. Man, I don’t know. This has me puzzled. There is a very, very slight hint, like there’s a flavor that wants to creep through, but man, it just didn’t happen. I’m perplexed.[b]Smoke Density:[/b] Like all Starbuzz, it was great.[b]Roomnote:[/b] *snort*[b]Buzz:[/b] See above.[b]Overall Impressions:[/b] I don’t know what to tell you. Ali sent me four flavors of Starbuzz to try, and if I was up to it, review. He said the flavors were ones that he dadn’t seen mentioned on the site, or that hadn’t gotten many orders from. Well, I know many of you think highly of Starbuzz, but of the four flavors he sent me, only two were good. One was unsmokable, and the other seems to not have a flavor at all. I have tried one other Starbuzz flavor, which I really enjoyed, but I find this disheartening. As a note, my hookahs are always cleaned after each use, so it’s not a matter of something that simple.[b]Rating:[/b] Not Available
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Starting to sound like Starbuzz is like any other company..it has it's good flavours and its not so good flavours. Nice to know they are human..
But seriously. I've been seeing, and experiencing myself, that more samples out of this round aren't measuring up. I remember the first time samples were sent around, almost every flavour was a winner...even the ones that didnt quite taste like they were supposed to tasted GOOD.
If thiese samples were test runs or new flavour/formula attempts..they may want to consider going back to the basics...
sorry man, didnt mean to preach in your thread...
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I dunno. I've been in love with starbuzz recently, up until I ran outa
my coconut coals. Upon switching to SS's olive wood coal, I got an
almost complete drop in flavor.  something to think about.
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I've had similar issues with Starbuzz samples I received a few days ago. Not really any discernable flavor in the peach or vanilla, and the only identifiable taste in the "social smoke mix" is mint. Using Threekings 33mm...
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As I said, two of the flavors were very good, the lemon, and the mango, which I will hopefully review tonight. The kiwi had a good taste, but a front taste on it that was horrific.
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[quote name='mushrat']Starting to sound like Starbuzz is like any other company..it has it's good flavours and its not so good flavours. Nice to know they are human..
But seriously. I've been seeing, and experiencing myself, that more samples out of this round aren't measuring up. I remember the first time samples were sent around, almost every flavour was a winner...even the ones that didnt quite taste like they were supposed to tasted GOOD.
If thiese samples were test runs or new flavour/formula attempts..they may want to consider going back to the basics...
sorry man, didnt mean to preach in your thread...[/quote]Well! I never...!
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[quote name='cymptom']I've had similar issues with Starbuzz samples I received a few days ago. Not really any discernable flavor in the peach or vanilla, and the only identifiable taste in the "social smoke mix" is mint. Using Threekings 33mm...[/quote]
hhhhhhhmmmmmmm im thinkin it may have somethin to do with type of coals. Hey JByer what type of coals did you use, cause I also used three kings and there was just a hint of flavor on my order. Im goin out to buy some natural or maybe some japanese from one of these local shops round here and see if there is a difference. 
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[quote name='cymptom']I've had similar issues with Starbuzz samples I received a few days ago. Not really any discernable flavor in the peach or vanilla, and the only identifiable taste in the "social smoke mix" is mint. Using Threekings 33mm...[/quote]
hhhhhhhmmmmmmm im thinkin it may have somethin to do with type of coals. Hey JByer what type of coals did you use, cause I also used three kings like cymptom and there was just a hint of flavor with my order of starbuzz. Im goin out to buy some natural or maybe some japanese from one of these local shops round here and see if there is a difference. 
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I used Three Kings as well. Ya'll are going to make me pull strings so I can get posted out by the hookah lounge tommorow during work and buy natural coals, and try again, aren't you?I'll try the blueberry again. Not touching the kiwi.
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hey Byer I just tried using natural coals. MAKE SURE you get HIGH quality  natural coals, because I just went to the local stores around my area and the only natural ones were Oman Charcoal which is equal to sultan which sucks ass. It DID bring out the taste much better but it lasted maybe 5 minutes. These coals kept dieing out so I had to re-lite every 5-10 minutes. Im thinking that Starbuzz works great with ONLY heat and no artificials like sulfer or gunpowder or things of that nature. I had an idea of try using 3 kings again, but use my two layer foil plan which SHOULD only heat up the m'assel without the extra additives, hopefully. This two layer worked when I had only cheap quick light charcoals on hand that had chunks of debris and tasted very bad, I think they were bootleg 3 kings. I ask anyone who has tried Starbuzz (or any other brand for that matter) to let us know what kind of charcoal they used.
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